Assuming you run linux then under /var/lib/Repetier-Server/scripts is a script named hardware_info - it reports several os values to server. You can extend it to read the pressure and output it there. This would then appear in the bolt icon menu. But there is nothing you can do with it - it is just informational.
That sounds great. How can I now integrate a dht11 temperature sensor into this file in the file so that the pressure chamber temperature already specified is also specified !?
I guess you should use curl to get answer, store it in a variable and then use grep or awk to filter the value form the answer and then echo it in the script in same format. Here some description to adjust icons:
tests for $database/scripts/hardware_info rsp. hardware_info.bat/.exe
Return format is a tab separated List of data to return:
- "StatusSNS": {
}- "Time": "2021-02-10T00:37:50",
- "DHT11": {
- "TempUnit": "C"
}- "Temperature": null,
- "Humidity": null,
- "DewPoint": null
},tests for $database/scripts/hardware_info rsp. hardware_info.bat/.exe
Return format is a tab separated List of data to return:
1. Name shown
2. Msg type: 0 = text, 1 = int value, 2 = 1 digit info, 3 = 2 digit info, 10 = splitter, 11 = Block Headline
3. unit
4. Value/Text
5. Urgency: 0 = hidden, 1 = message, 2 = warning, 3 = error
6. Icon
7. URL for detailed description or empty
object HardwareInfo {
name: string,
msgType: number,
unit: string,
text: string,
value: number
urgency: number,
icon: number,
url: string
List of icons:
0: None
1: Bolt
2: Temperature
3: exclamation-triangle
4: Battery
5: Bug
6: Plug
7: Usb logo
8: Camera
9: Tasks
10: Bell
11: Bluetooth
12: Square
13: Checked Square
14: HDD
15: Hourglass
16: wifi
17: Microchip
18: Clock