Is there any easy way to install Repetier Server - wifi connectivity issue
Dear all,
I spent the whole day in trying to get Raspberry Pi 3b to work with Repetier Server Pro 0.94.3 within my wifi. Now I am frustrated.
Have been reading all I could find and tried hardly every workaround mentioned in the internet and on the site.
The Problem is, that after fresh installation and connection via LAN and setting up the Wifi connection after rebooting
and switching to another Room (where Octopy definetly has no problem) the IP of Repetier Server is found via IP sniffer but is unreachable. after shutdown and switching back to the room where the router is located, sometimes it finds the Server and connects, sometime not. tried 2,4 Ghz and 5 Ghz - no difference (Raspy with octoprint has no connectivity issues)
I saw that some people out there have those issues. Maybe I missed something or did elsewhere something wrong - however this is not consumer friendly in my opinion.
Does anybody has suggestions how to get that to work propperly without fiddling around? are there some new understandings of that problem?
I realy like the concept and funktions of repetier server - and would love to implement it