Repetier-Server API on RPi Version 0.94.3
Hello gents,
I´m programming a telegram bot on the web API right now. Is it possible that you have some bugs in the internal distribution of your data?
First i found some differences between the API documentation. There are some events not in the docs.
Some of the Events are not send out, e.g. i´ve received the event prepareJob but not the preparedJobFinished. I didn´t receive the jobStarted event too.
Is there a bug known...
I´m programming a telegram bot on the web API right now. Is it possible that you have some bugs in the internal distribution of your data?
First i found some differences between the API documentation. There are some events not in the docs.
Some of the Events are not send out, e.g. i´ve received the event prepareJob but not the preparedJobFinished. I didn´t receive the jobStarted event too.
Is there a bug known...
- {callback_id: -1, data: [{data: {}, event: "prepareJob", printer: "Anycubic_I3"},…], eventList: true}
- callback_id: -1
- data: [{data: {}, event: "prepareJob", printer: "Anycubic_I3"},…]
- 0: {data: {}, event: "prepareJob", printer: "Anycubic_I3"}
- 1: {data: {modelId: 2,…}, event: "gcodeInfoUpdated", printer: "Anycubic_I3"}
- 2: {data: {slug: "Anycubic_I3"}, event: "jobsChanged", printer: "Anycubic_I3"}
- 3: {,…}
- 4: {data: {activeExtruder: 0, debugLevel: 6, doorOpen: false,…}, event: "state", printer: "Anycubic_I3"}
- 5: {data: {start: 1603017806}, event: "jobStarted", printer: "Anycubic_I3"}
- 6: {data: {slug: "Anycubic_I3"}, event: "printqueueChanged", printer: "Anycubic_I3"}
- 7: {data: {}, event: "prepareJobFinished", printer: "Anycubic_I3"}
- eventList: true
Did you maybe forget to parse all entries of the event list? As you see they are all there.Regarding undocumented events - yes may exist. If you see one I forgot let me know and I add the description. There are also some undescribed actions especially the configuration calls are not documented since no one does this on it's own and they are quite critical and may change.
Yes, i found out that somehow the data: .... is not a fixed thing, somehow hard to program via debbuging
But on other side, i see a lot of questions popping up, because of lack of documentation. But i am a sportsman, lol
Ok, i think i´ll implement something in my code which sends me a message to collect the missing once and i will answer in this thread about it.
Have a nice rest of the weekend...regards