Error:z-probe triggered before starting probing. fatal:G30 probing failed

I'm struggling with a manual leveling script I wrote a while back. It usually works without issue but especially recently it has been throwing the "fatal:G30 probing failed" error a lot. I tried stepping through each line of code manually to see where the problem was and the problem is seemingly that it's ignoring an upwards z move between homing and the first probing. I sent these lines to the printer in this order. G28 x to home x, G28 y to home y, G28 z to home z, G90 to change to absolute positioning, G1 z15 to move away from the bed, G1 x40, g1 y40 to move to first probing position, G30 to probe. The G1 z15 is where it failed in my step by step testing. I tried sending it the command 3 times and it showed no change. I was able to get it to work again by restarting the repetier server computer but after one successful script run of probing 5 points on the bed 3 times each it failed again when I tried to run the same script again. I'm suspicious that G90 isn't doing what I think it's doing, any ideas?


  • G90 does what you think. I also see no reason to restart server - it is the firmware executing the commands and you don't describe communication errors. You might enable ack if unsure and you want to see if the command got send.

    Anyhow you should run M114 before and after the G1 Z15 move (use capital letters lower are not correct and rely on forgiving firmware). Then you should see if firmware thinks move was done. If it thinks it has done the move you might have a z max endstop and that has triggered stopping the move early. Depending on how endstop cables run this is is quite frequent problem.
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