Printer off, RepetierServer remains "connected to the printer"
Hi. I found that when I turn off the printer, the Repetier Server continues as if it were "connected to the printer". As you can see in the images I send. I would appreciate that you could solve this problem. Thank you
Also worth a try is taping the 5v line of usb connector as describe here:
That should make it offline in any case. Only question is if the chip then gets powered over the prusa once prusa has power on. Never tried that solution on it.
This does not seem to be the cause of the problem
On the other side I also want to test the tape method for 5v since it is annoying for the server to see the printer also it does not work. That causes constant tests that would not be necessary otherwise.
I send images to try to explain. Thank you
Reason you get more network components is that ipv6 is now also enabled. If one of them is reachable depends on your router and os running browser which also need them enabled. But normally you will stick to ipv4 as that is much easier to remember and shorter.
Disable detection now works in beta, just reset requires me to hit it twice. So continue to search why this is the case.
Regarding the reset I tested a whole day and see no solution. When reset fails what happens is that we don't receive anything. On next reset we receive all the start code and it succeeds. Don't even know why we should be able to block the firmware start up. Don't know marlin good enough for this but in repetier-firmware there is nothing host side that can stop the restart from being finished. None the less I have seen it happens. Seems like sending gcode due to timeout/running communication can cause this. When it is blocked and I hit pause on debugger the reset continues. Will keep an eye on this any maybe I get an idea how to solve it better.