Connection problem
I've started using repetier-server on my raspberry Pi 3B+. But I've had some problems. At the beginning the installation and the managineg of settings has been ok. But when I've started the first print, the printer went too slow (one command every 30 seconds more or less). And after that I'm not able to connect to my modem paga ( and even to the repetier-server page to control the raspberry.
What could be the problem?
I've started using repetier-server on my raspberry Pi 3B+. But I've had some problems. At the beginning the installation and the managineg of settings has been ok. But when I've started the first print, the printer went too slow (one command every 30 seconds more or less). And after that I'm not able to connect to my modem paga ( and even to the repetier-server page to control the raspberry.
What could be the problem?
Go to console to check on communication. 1 command every 30 seconds sounds like you get a timeout which happens when you get no response. If you see messages from printer baud rate is normally ok or very close by. But it might be that firmware does not send anything (enable ack to see all responses from firmware). Sometimes RTS/DTR switch in printer settings->connection need to be high or low so firmware sends something. Try all 4 combinations and see if it gets better. Also make sure right firmware is selected. Repetier-Firmware on marlin will not work and show similar problems.
Your descriptions sounded like there are 2 problems at once so hope these 2 ideas help at first to get it running. Then we can check closer when communication with printer is working good.
The printer is an Alfawise U30 Pro.
I've checked with ACK enabled and I had no errors of timeout connection, about this I could try what you say in your answer.
First thing now I want to solve is the access to the modem page... I've tried reboot and reset the modem, but nothing change.
Another thing is that now I'm not able to access the page of repetier server too (in my case is
I'll let you know about the printing. Thanks for your kindness!
What could it be?
14:37:56.606: ok ok
There the newline was missing so server only sees one "ok" and one command is blocking space in buffer from there on. When all bytes of buffer are occupied from such com errors you get the next timeout and it continues.
What does M115 return? If it supports busy protocol you can reduce timeout to 3 seconds making it react a lot faster. There are also other things firmware could do to help detecting such errors more quickly or even on the fly like
- Adding line number to ok
- Sending wait when all commands are executed.
But that requires recompilation of the firmware with the settings activated and uploading the new firmware.
Are you sure baud rate is correct. e.g. 230400 works also with 250000 baud but would have a lot more errors in communication. Vice versa same problem.
Another thing I've tried to do is to enable PingPong mode and set timeout to 0,1 seconds, doing this it looks like is working really fine but I want to ask you if it's a good idea.
My BAUD at the moment is set to 115200 and is the same I have on Marlin firmware. I've tried to set it at 250000 but my Alfawise screen doesnt work anymore with that value, so I prefer to leave the original one.
About the 2 things you've said to recompile the firmware I have no idea about how to do that, if you can give a more detailed explanation would be great
The following is the result of M115, does it support busy protocol?:
If you have the firmware sources for your printer it is easy to fix firmware. Otherwise you need to find out configuration and that requires experience. So assuming you have a source, all you need is open config_adv.c and search for the options. Not sure how they are named exactly but you see it from comments containing wait / ok line number and busy for the 3 options that were programmed in marlin to help here. So enable them recompile and upload. Then you can set timeout to 3 seconds.
#define NO_TIMEOUTS 1000 // Milliseconds
and the busy lines you found are already correct in your example.
Now just let me satisfy my curiosity... do you know if Octoprint uses "Ping-Pong" mode for firmware/host communication? Because I've tried that and it still gives me problems... (I ask it as a user of Repetier-Server Pro, so I'm not doing any competition)
[19393.906266] usb 1-1.4.3: usbfs: interface 0 claimed by ch341 while 'brltty' sets config #1
[19393.906888] ch341-uart ttyUSB0: ch341-uart converter now disconnected from ttyUSB0