Full Stop / Emergency Stop with keyboard hotkey
sometimes a really quick reaction for turning the ermergency button is really useful. Therefore i wonder if you could some option in Repetier Server and Repetier Server monitor to trigger that emergency command by hotkey. That would be helpful.
At the moment i am building up some basic windows tool using the tool "AutoHotKey" and some curl command - but a huge workaround for a simple task (for native Repetier Monitor app)
Regarding hotkey for such a dangerous action I will not add it natively that way. The chance that it gets send from a user hitting it by accident is just too high. That is also why we have always a at least 2 click solution to prevent accidential clicks.
Another thing is that you will normally not register problems quickly remotely anyway or you are close to printer where you can also hit reset button / emergency button on printer. That is normally faster then activating browser/monitor and select right printer (also a problem if you have multiple printers - which one to reset?) and hit button.