colon symbol not correctly sent by API/UI
at the moment i am writing some API stuff to remote control my Duet 2 Ethernet. This works quite good. Now i found a thing where i guess its a bug of Repetier Server (in the regular UI and in API - so general design problem maybe).
In Duet Firmware there's a command M118 to send messages to console or display of attached devices.
if i post "M118 P0 S"Smart Stepper B: ctrlmode: a2" in Duet Web Control this is displayed fine in it's GCode console

Now i found out: If i directly send "M118 P0 S"Smart Stepper B: ctrlmode: a2" in Repetier Server console in browser of Repetier, bothe existing colons are cut out. Same happens if i send the following unencoded string to API:
{"cmd":"M118 P0 S\"Smart Stepper B: ctrlmode: a2 | \""}
Could you validate if something forces to throw away that colons? (and maybe other characters?)
Please let me know if that works then I make it default assuming RepRapFirmware has not that special separator possibility. Not that anyone ever used it as far as I know.
Alternatively make it a shell command by pretending # so line gets send 1:1 unchanged.