shutdown restart - motor power
Hi !
Since I run the 0.93.1 server, there is a change at the start. I have a rapsberry pi linked to an ultratronics board (Absolute machine).
Before, when I start the printer, immediatly the motor power is on and off. Then, after a couple of second, the server has finished his boot and connected to the Ultratronics, there is a second motor power on and off, and it was enough.
Now, there is also the first on and off power motor, but there is 4 or 5 on and off when the raspberry linked to the ultratronics...
I redo the printer setup from the beginning...Am I missed something ?
Thanks !
Retry normally happens after 10 seconds if we got no response from firmware. What is the time between the motor responses?
What happens if you deactivate and then activate the printer. Does it still need multiple tries?
If it does not happen with deactivate it is a chance that linux is disconnecting the usb. Check /var/log/syslog for disabled usb devices at that time.