PI Server Looses Connection & Print Stops
Raspberry Pi server is connected to Ender 3 running latest Merlin. Print suddenly stops. Pi screen shows no connection to printer, that is printer commands are blanked! Temperature of bed and nozzle stay high so I think it unlikely to be a power glitch.
Of course this only happens 10 hours into a 12 hour print
but it has happened several times.
Any thoughts? Thanks
Of course this only happens 10 hours into a 12 hour print

Any thoughts? Thanks
The other frequent reason is that the pi disconnects usb due to undervoltage. Enter in ssh shell
after some time to see if you are prone of the problem. Not every message of it kills usb but it might happen. In that case server would reconnect but print is then stopped. With enabled rescue handling you could then continue the print in many cases.
Your comments about power could make sense, particularly if Pi is more sensitive than printer. I'm now running these long overnight jobs from SD card and have no problems. I'm thinking of "borrowing" my computer's UPS for a few days.
if you see undervoltage messages after a while running. Would be an hint that it is the pi power. But can also be noise on usb cable (use shielded cable) or even 5V on printer board. Often good pi power also stabelizes this as well. For pi make sure it is a power supply and not a usb charger. USB chargers are too slow in voltage adjustments in most cases.