CR10s pro v2 connected but no control
We just got the CR10s pro V2 and it says connected but temp say zero and we cannot control the printer. If we change the comm port settings it either makes no difference or it disconnects. This printer works perfect on Octoprint with the same connection settings. Anything I can try?
Our CR10s we got early 2019 works great and we tried matching the settings. We also verified we have the latest firmware.
This is the first printer out of 7 that we’ve had issues with. 2 have Repetier firmware, 3 have Marlin and the last two are the CR10s (Marlin?) firmware.
This is the first printer out of 7 that we’ve had issues with. 2 have Repetier firmware, 3 have Marlin and the last two are the CR10s (Marlin?) firmware.
If it still does not work check baud rate and try setting RTS/DTR to different values especially high/low and low/high. Some boards only communicate in either of these combinations.