Repetier and Ender 5 Plus
So I just got an Ender 5 plus last week and I'm trying to use repetier
host to run it given that I'm more familiar with the program and love
the amount of configuration for fine tuning. I've run into the problem
that while I can run the printer directly off of usb, it skips the
auto-leveling step, eventhough the eeprom config bed leveling enabled option is set to "1". When I save to sd card the printer won't see the
file and the best I've been able to figure out is that repetier saves as
.gco files instead of .gcode files from creality's software. even after reinstalling it and only selecting .gcode as an associated file. so do I
need a post slicing filter? If so I haven't been able to find much
information on how to use that feature or what program I can even use
for that.