Connection Issue with Alfawise U30

Hi, i tryed to connect my printer with the repetier software or server.
the connection as bin success, but i can't perform any commands "whit other software, all works fine".

This my situation:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<name>Alfawise U30</name>
<xySpeed max="200">100</xySpeed>
<zSpeed max="2">2</zSpeed>
<endstops all="true" x="true" y="true" z="true"/>
<invert x="false" y="false" z="false"/>
<grid color="#454545" spacing="10"/>
<rectangle color="#dddddd" xMax="220" xMin="0" yMax="220" yMin="0"/>
<procedure>G28 X0 Y0</procedure>
<runOnConnect>G28 X0 Y0</runOnConnect>
<extruder changeFastDistance="20" changeSlowDistance="20" filamentDiameter="1.75" lastTemp="200" maxTemp="260" num="0" tempMaster="0">
<maxSpeed acceleration="5000" jerk="30" max="30"/>
<extrude speed="2"/>
<retract speed="30"/>
<tempChange cooldownPerSecond="0.5" heatupPerSecond="2"/>
<offsets x="0" y="0"/>
<temperature value="245">ABS 245</temperature>
<temperature value="210">PLA 210</temperature>
<temperature value="195">PLA 195</temperature>
<heatedBed lastTemp="0" maxTemp="120" num="0">
<tempChange cooldownPerSecond="0.02" heatupPerSecond="0.2"/>
<temperature value="115">ABS</temperature>
<temperature value="50">PLA</temperature>


  • Please try changing rts/dtr setting to be one high one low. If it still does not work switch them. Some boards only communicate in one of the states, might be the case here. Might also be baud rate but if you used other software you surely know the correct baud rate.
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