Error occured building Repetier-Host Plugin, what should I do?
I`m a beginner level in C#.
I want to make my custom plugin for Repetier-Host.
I downloaded in this site for testing,
build using Visual Studio 2019.
But error occured like picture, but I don`t know what should I do.
Please Help me..
My Repetier-Host path is "C:\Users\admin\Desktop\Repetier-Host"
#region IHostComponent implementation
public string ComponentName { get { return "Slicer"; } }
public string ComponentDescription { get { return Trans.T("TAB_SLICER"); } }
public int ComponentOrder { get { return 3000; } }
public PreferredComponentPositions PreferredPosition { get { return PreferredComponentPositions.SIDEBAR; } }
public Control ComponentControl { get { return this; } }
public ThreeDView Associated3DView { get { return host.ObjectsView; } }
public void ComponentActivated() { }
public void ComponentDeactivated() { }
Here you also see sample implementations that you can use.