Manual Control Not Working

Hi, I just connected my tevo tarantula to the repetier-host via the server connection. I set the baud rate at 115200. I then tried to use the manual controls but nothing is happening. I haven't tried printing via repetier-host since my extruder motor is clicking, I think I have adjust the voltage on it. Anyway, any command I send doesn't seem to do anything. It is reading as connected and idle. I did notice that the temperature for the hot end in repetier-host is 0 degrees celsius but that's wrong since my LCD is saying that it's 20 degrees Celsius(room temperature). Here's my log, please I could really use the help on this, thanks. 

22:36:52.983 : M119

22:38:24.279 : G1 X10 F4800

22:38:51.051 : G1 Z0.02 F100

22:45:02.778 : Access to the port 'COM4' is denied.

22:45:18.172 : Access to the port 'COM4' is denied.

22:46:00.588 : start

22:46:00.588 : echo:Marlin

22:46:00.588 : echo: Last Updated: 2018-07-31 | Author: R Brown, Tevo Tarantula-NoAutoLevel

22:46:00.588 : echo:Compiled: Jun  1 2019

22:46:00.588 : echo: Free Memory: 3892  PlannerBufferBytes: 1264

22:46:00.705 : echo:V55 stored settings retrieved (655 bytes; crc 26946)

22:46:00.705 : echo:  G21    ; (mm)

22:46:00.705 : echo:  M149 C ; Units in Celsius

22:46:00.705 : echo:Filament settings:

22:46:00.706 : echo:  M200 D1.75

22:46:00.706 : echo:Steps per unit:

22:46:00.706 : echo:  M92 X80.00 Y80.00 Z1600.00 E100.00

22:46:00.706 : echo:Maximum feedrates (units/s):

22:46:00.706 : echo:  M203 X200.00 Y200.00 Z3.00 E25.00

22:46:00.706 : echo:Maximum Acceleration (units/s2):

22:46:00.706 : echo:  M201 X500 Y500 Z50 E500

22:46:00.706 : echo:Acceleration (units/s2): P<print_accel> R<retract_accel> T<travel_accel>

22:46:00.706 : echo:  M204 P500.00 R500.00 T500.00

22:46:00.706 : echo:Advanced: B<min_segment_time_us> S<min_feedrate> T<min_travel_feedrate> X<max_x_jerk> Y<max_y_jerk> Z<max_z_jerk> E<max_e_jerk>

22:46:00.706 : echo:  M205 B20000 S0.00 T0.00 X7.00 Y7.00 Z0.20 E2.50

22:46:00.707 : echo:Home offset:

22:46:00.707 : echo:  M206 X0.00 Y0.00 Z0.00

22:46:00.707 : echo:Material heatup parameters:

22:46:00.707 : echo:  M145 S0 H205 B65 F0

22:46:00.707 : echo:  M145 S1 H215 B110 F0

22:46:00.707 : echo:PID settings:

22:46:00.707 : echo:  M301 P24.72 I1.84 D83.02

22:46:00.707 : echo:  M304 P562.12 I105.56 D748.32

22:46:01.475 : echo:SD card ok

22:46:31.137 : Access to the port 'COM4' is denied.

22:46:31.619 : Warning: Communication timeout - resetting communication buffer.

22:46:31.619 : Connection status: Buffered:32, Manual Commands: 14, Job Commands: 0

22:46:31.619 : Buffer used:32 Enforced free byte:11 lines stored:4

22:46:31.719 : echo:Unknown command: " "

22:46:31.719 : ok

22:47:02.632 : Warning: Communication timeout - resetting communication buffer.

22:47:02.632 : Connection status: Buffered:36, Manual Commands: 9, Job Commands: 0

22:47:02.632 : Buffer used:36 Enforced free byte:7 lines stored:4

22:47:02.633 : echo:Unknown command: " "

22:47:02.633 : ok

22:47:02.738 : echo:Unknown command: ""

22:47:02.738 : ok

22:47:18.496 : Repetier-Server disconnected.

22:47:19.638 : Repetier-Server successfully connected.

22:47:19.781 : M115

22:47:30.447 : G1 Y0.1 F4800

22:47:31.907 : G1 Y1 F4800

22:47:33.701 : Warning: Communication timeout - resetting communication buffer.

22:47:33.701 : Connection status: Buffered:30, Manual Commands: 7, Job Commands: 0

22:47:33.701 : Buffer used:30 Enforced free byte:15 lines stored:3

22:47:33.805 : Error:Line Number is not Last Line Number+1, Last Line: 0

22:47:33.805 : Resend: 1

22:47:33.805 : ok

22:48:04.780 : Warning: Communication timeout - resetting communication buffer.

22:48:04.780 : Connection status: Buffered:29, Manual Commands: 4, Job Commands: 0

22:48:04.780 : Buffer used:29 Enforced free byte:15 lines stored:3

22:48:35.831 : Warning: Communication timeout - resetting communication buffer.

22:48:35.831 : Connection status: Buffered:15, Manual Commands: 3, Job Commands: 0

22:48:35.831 : Buffer used:15 Enforced free byte:30 lines stored:1

22:48:35.832 : echo:Unknown command: " "

22:48:35.832 : ok

22:48:35.832 : echo:Unknown command: " "

22:48:35.832 : ok

22:49:07.732 : Warning: Communication timeout - resetting communication buffer.

22:49:07.732 : Connection status: Buffered:36, Manual Commands: 1, Job Commands: 0

22:49:07.732 : Buffer used:36 Enforced free byte:7 lines stored:2

22:49:42.878 : Warning: Communication timeout - resetting communication buffer.

22:49:42.878 : Connection status: Buffered:35, Manual Commands: 1, Job Commands: 0

22:49:42.878 : Buffer used:35 Enforced free byte:7 lines stored:5

22:49:42.878 : echo:Unknown command: " "

22:49:42.878 : ok

22:49:45.846 : echo:Unknown command: "R "

22:49:45.846 : ok

22:50:19.922 : Warning: Communication timeout - resetting communication buffer.

22:50:19.922 : Connection status: Buffered:35, Manual Commands: 1, Job Commands: 0

22:50:19.922 : Buffer used:35 Enforced free byte:7 lines stored:5

22:50:20.795 : G1 Y11 F4800

22:50:52.892 : Warning: Communication timeout - resetting communication buffer.

22:50:52.892 : Connection status: Buffered:36, Manual Commands: 1, Job Commands: 0

22:50:52.892 : Buffer used:36 Enforced free byte:7 lines stored:4

22:51:00.887 : G28

22:51:27.948 : Warning: Communication timeout - resetting communication buffer.

22:51:27.948 : Connection status: Buffered:35, Manual Commands: 2, Job Commands: 0

22:51:27.948 : Buffer used:35 Enforced free byte:7 lines stored:5

22:51:27.948 : Warning: Too many timeouts without response - disabling timeout message!

22:51:27.948 : Slow command added:G28

22:53:39.148 : G28

22:53:53.218 : echo:enqueueing "G28"

22:53:55.184 : echo:busy: processing

22:53:57.266 : echo:busy: processing

22:53:59.266 : echo:busy: processing

22:54:01.235 : echo:busy: processing

22:54:03.283 : echo:busy: processing

22:54:05.281 : echo:busy: processing

22:54:07.317 : echo:busy: processing

22:54:09.415 : echo:busy: processing

22:54:11.434 : echo:busy: processing

22:54:13.432 : echo:busy: processing

22:54:15.450 : echo:busy: processing

22:54:17.450 : echo:busy: processing

22:54:19.368 : echo:busy: processing

22:54:21.366 : echo:busy: processing

22:54:23.383 : echo:busy: processing

22:54:23.500 : X:0.00 Y:0.00 Z:0.00 E:0.00 Count X:0 Y:0 Z:0

22:54:48.199 : G1 X1 F4800


  • First why do I see so many "Access to the port 'COM4' is denied.". This happens if other software is using the same port. If you connect via server only repetier-server should be connecting to COM4 to prevent any errors.

    Make sure to select Marlin as firmware to get correct communication. Test on server gui if all works and then start connecting to host.
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