Server on Raspberry Pi 3 and Printrbot simple (wood)
I have an older printrbot simple (wood version). I have loaded the disk image for the repetier server onto a raspberry pi 3. I can connect to the server no problem and set it up, it appears to be connected to the printer. From the PC I run the repetier host and select server as my connection it never truly connects, does not show the printer name in the bottom left corner only says default. If I connect a USB cable from the PC to the printer itself effectively not using the server the printer moves and connect just fine using a serial port.
I would appreciate any help that someone could give.
Attached is the xml file with the server configuration.
Thank You.

I have an older printrbot simple (wood version). I have loaded the disk image for the repetier server onto a raspberry pi 3. I can connect to the server no problem and set it up, it appears to be connected to the printer. From the PC I run the repetier host and select server as my connection it never truly connects, does not show the printer name in the bottom left corner only says default. If I connect a USB cable from the PC to the printer itself effectively not using the server the printer moves and connect just fine using a serial port.
I would appreciate any help that someone could give.
Attached is the xml file with the server configuration.
Thank You.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<grid color="#454545" spacing="10"/>
<rectangle color="#dddddd" xMax="70" xMin="0" yMax="90" yMin="0"/>
<xySpeed max="200">100</xySpeed>
<zSpeed max="2">2</zSpeed>
<endstops all="true" x="true" y="true" z="true"/>
<invert x="false" y="false" z="false"/>
<procedure>G28 X0 Y0</procedure>
<runOnConnect>G28 X0 Y0</runOnConnect>

Any thoughts? Do I need to start it?
Alternatively use web gui of server and click on print icon on the file in queue. Once all files in queue are deleted or printed new queued jobs get printed directly.