Tool change using Repetier for a CNC machine
my machine did what it should have (it rose on the z axis waiting for the tool change) and repetier paused. But it never gave me an option to restart the “print” job after the bit was changed. Any ideas what to do?
G00 Z5.0000 F480
;No. 3: body
;Change tool: End Mill 1/8
G00 X-1.1288 Y134.1230 Z5.0000 F2100
should there be a “pause” written in there so that Repetier actually pauses and gives me the option to restart?
What is the code for “pause” and where should I write it in?
@pause Change tool
Make sure to send the gcode with our repetier-server or host as only these understand the @pause command.
I'm wondering why it does pause without it. Or aren't you using our firmware in combination? In that case M0 might work but is firmware dependent so you must continue at the printer lcd I guess, but depends on firmware.
again thank you for the suggestions
again thank you for your time and efforts but I’m going to abandon trying to make “pause” work