Migrated Pi To Dell PC running Ubuntu

Ubuntu Keeps wanting me to do Updates now it wants me to upgrade to 16.04 will that mess up Repetier Server ?


  • can the PI image be installed on intell pc ?

  • Updating linux in general is no problem. 18.04 is the latest LTS version if I'm right.

    Pi image will not work on intel pc. Pi uses ARM processor and Intel intel code set, so the binary format is not compatible. What you can do is copy /var/lib/Repetier-Server to new pc to preserve all your data and settings.
  • Repetier said:
    Updating linux in general is no problem. 18.04 is the latest LTS version if I'm right.

    Pi image will not work on intel pc. Pi uses ARM processor and Intel intel code set, so the binary format is not compatible. What you can do is copy /var/lib/Repetier-Server to new pc to preserve all your data and settings.
    got linux going on intel with repetier server but could not seem to get that FFMpeg software to work and could not get my cameras to work and that was the main reason for doing it. Then I thought well maybe I hook PI to lan big mistake created even more of Bottle neck because it seems the PI either net shares resources with USB :( but its working much better now that I got a 5G AP .
  • what are your thughts on this board Do you think REPETER SERVER PI  image would run on it as it has gigabit lan  and more ram https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00FS83U42/ref=ox_sc_saved_title_3?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1

  • Many boards are actually better then the pi. The only reason we offer the pi image is that so many use it and have it.
    Pi is just slow with lan/usb. For the different board is just important to have a debian like linux distro running on it. But you will face the same problem with the dell. There is no convenience image with webcam, network, usb mount so you have to configure these your self.

    You can use the pi image a bit to help you get started. All these scripts are under /usr/local/Repetier-Setup - binaries in bin subfolder. So it is possible to extract the webcam stuff, but that is also described on our homepage.

    ffmpeg can be downloaded on their homepage if it is not included in ubuntu. Alternatively just use avconv whcih is also supported.
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