Console show tabs (\t) as spaces

edited February 2019 in Bug Reports
Hi there,

Console don't show tab (\t) character as tabs, but is converted to space. (normal textarea behavior)

This makes it hard to read commands like M122 out.

> M122
		X	Y
Enabled		true	false
Set current	750	800
RMS current	734	1436
MAX current	1035	2025
Run current	23/31	25/31
Hold current	13/31	13/31
> M122
Enabled true false
Set current 750 800
RMS current 734 1436
MAX current 1035 2025
Run current 23/31 25/31
Hold current 13/31 13/31

Could that be fixed somehow?

Kind regards


  • I have to think about it. But depending on text size it would not always format. e.g. if tab is 4 spaces. Main problem is that html has no concept for tab. A tab is just a whitespace.
  • I know.... Alternativ switch to a monospaced fonts or replace \t with X number of spaces
  • It is mono spaced. What I think about is converting to spaces before I store it in log and send around. That would also help the readers of logs.
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