Issue connecting to WiFi AP using the web GUI off the Pi Image V14 (Pro 0.91.0)
Seems like it's happening to me as well for some reason... I have a very stable Access Point and when I try to use the Repetier-Server web GUI to connect to said AP it does the following (note:to set all this up I have my LAN connected)...
- Shows all the APs I have set up
I created a few for testing other things, 2.4Ghz, 5Ghz, ap name "TESTING_123", ap name "TESTING", security WPA2/PSK TKIP+AES - I click on the AP I want to use (SSID: TESTING, WPA2/PSK TKIP+AES).
- I select Auth method: PSK2
- Type in my password.
- Hit "Save"
- "New connection data stored" message apears.
- Hit "Connect"
- After about 20-30 seconds some type of popup flashes for about half a second (can't see what it says) but looks like some type of red circle with a slash through it possibly?
- After about 5-10 more seconds a message in blue at the top appears "Unconnected". Then about 5 seconds later it disappears.
- Goes back into AP mode as SSID "RepetierServer".
- Open up Putty or any other SSH/Telnet client.
- Connect to your Repetier-Server Pi. Ex: I needed to connect to
- Login with username "pi".
- Password: "raspberry".
- Type the command "sudo nano /usr/local/Repetier-Setup/bin/manageWifiAccess".
- Once editing the file, search for "connect)". You can do this by pressing Ctrl+W in Putty.
- Find the line after that which starts with "nmcli connection delete"...
- Comment the line out by adding a # to the start of the line.
- Exit (Ctrl+X), Save.
- Type command "sudo reboot".
Then try the whole adding of a WiFi AP process again. Works like a charm.Side note, I also found it helpful (until I had my touchscreen installed and working great) to enable the mouse on the Pi GUI.
- Type command "sudo nano .bashrc".
- Once editing the file, search for "xinit -- -nocursor".
- Comment out that line.
- Exit (Ctrl+X), Save.
- Type command "sudo reboot".
This will bring back the mouse to help debug. Want it back off, then un-comment that line again.Not that it matters any more but just thought I would share. "Connection lost"!
If you run iwconfig in console you see connection speed. How much do you have? There is still the chance of having bad connection so drops are for quality. As far as I can say quality is not so good as with my mobile at same spot.
Mode:Managed Frequency:2.417 GHz
Bit Rate=108 Mb/s Tx-Power=31 dBm
Retry short limit:7 RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off
Power Management:off
Link Quality=67/70 Signal level=-43 dBm
Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0
Tx excessive retries:16590 Invalid misc:0 Missed beacon:0
Interesting is Link Quality=67/70 which shows how good connection is and resulting bit rate (108 here)Your screenshot shows a good connection. As long as linux keeps it it should continue to work. All the server does is switching to ap if it does not see that you are still connected. I guess you see the connection reappear after a while when you get your disconnects? Server will switch if linux command "iwconfig" does return a mode unequal "Managed" for a longer period.
What you can try is once wlan is setup working run on ssh
sudo mv /usr/local/Repetier-Setup/bin/manageWifiAccess /usr/local/Repetier-Setup/bin/manageWifiAccess_off
and reboot. Then server has no way to modify your network. Then all disconnects are related to linux/router.
sudo mv /usr/local/Repetier-Setup/bin/manageWifiAccess_off /usr/local/Repetier-Setup/bin/manageWifiAccess
will give it back to you in case you need to modify something or need to configure.
ethernet connection is your fallback if wlan should for some reason not connect again.
You can also check /var/log/syslog on times when you have disconnects. It will log any wlan modification like connection lost, reconnect etc.