Repetier-Server not saving Gcodes, printer settings, print logs, history, etc after reboot
This issue started in August, and has continued until now up through version 90.7.
Nothing about my printer is saved after rebooting the raspberry pi repetier-server is running on (I'm running the full Linux package, not the rpi image). Changes to the extruder/bed temps doesn't stick, and neither do any gcodes or print logs. I can upload and print the gcode and change configuration settings just fine, however as soon as I reboot the server everything is lost. After doing so, all the gcode files and settings that do remain (the ones that were on the rpi before this issue started happening) are somehow grouped by upload time, with each group saying that they were uploaded at the exact same time (8/9/18 1:19pm, and some at 1/29/19 6:30pm). These were the dates and times that I updated the software, so it is clear that they are due to something amiss with the latest firmware releases. Any thoughts?
See the attached screenshots for more explanation.
Nothing about my printer is saved after rebooting the raspberry pi repetier-server is running on (I'm running the full Linux package, not the rpi image). Changes to the extruder/bed temps doesn't stick, and neither do any gcodes or print logs. I can upload and print the gcode and change configuration settings just fine, however as soon as I reboot the server everything is lost. After doing so, all the gcode files and settings that do remain (the ones that were on the rpi before this issue started happening) are somehow grouped by upload time, with each group saying that they were uploaded at the exact same time (8/9/18 1:19pm, and some at 1/29/19 6:30pm). These were the dates and times that I updated the software, so it is clear that they are due to something amiss with the latest firmware releases. Any thoughts?
See the attached screenshots for more explanation.

Also make sure you have free disk space. That can also lead to unexpected problems.