Runs Extruder Backwards !?!?
I am running Repetier Server on Windows connected to an Ender 3. I am trying to adjust the Estep (with some difficulty due to slippage) so I using the Extruder Controls and changing the Estep values in Console. When I go to Control and Extrude and with great care, assure I depress the down extrude button, it sometimes extrudes and sometimes retracts...for a long long time. WTF? How do I assure depressing Extrude in the Control Panel does not somehow retract. Also how do I freaking stop it from retracting? It will retract until the filament is completely out and continue..until i curse and turn it off. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Once you have the command send compared to your action you can post it here with comments next to commands on the action you did and what really happened.
You can interrupt long action sin firmware only be sending emergency stop if this causes a printer reset (some printers do not do that).
13:53:49.888: N979 M92 E140.00
That are 4 moves a 50mm extruding. No reason to go back. No idea why it started with 350 might be in the 150 lines missing.
I assume the retract happened with the last move as you resettet printer after that. But that command is correct and does the same as the previous 3 previous move.