Execute python script befor every print
Hello everyone,
we use Repetier Server in a small institute with around 25 people to manage the 3d printers. We just set up the server but i am worried that somebody might start a print while another part is still inside the printer. Thats why i would like to add a small python script that moves the printer befor every print through a light barrier to check the for parts on the build plate. The light barrier would be operated either by the printer board or an additional arduino.
I realize i need to use the api for this problem. Is it possible to halt a print before the homing starts after getting a print started callback?
Best regards
Christian Pommer
One solution would be to make it in firmware and block until it is cleaned. If you send in firmware every 2 seconds "busy: Clean bed" the server will also not time out.
Is that a solution you coul dget working? Or do you think a sync execute would be better. I could add that for the future.
sync="true" stopOnFail="true" to change from default behaviour.