My printer was working great and then all mechanical parts stopped working.
So I have a home built printer with and aduino and ramps 1.4. I have had the printer for awhile and and using Repetier-Informer server and everything was working great. Printed countless things and then yesterday a print just stopped mid print. Kinda thought nothing of it and reprinted the part. So that was the beginning. Within 2 days I was having more and more prints stop mid print, was just getting worse and now today I had one stop and now my printer is frozen.
So things I have tested.
- printer has power(supply, auduino, all connectors.
- Repetier-Informer server acts like it is connected but will not turn anything on(motor don’t move, no heating, nothing.) although the LEDs on the board flicker like it thinks it’s working.
It’s like all signals are going in, just no outputs.
So things I have tested.
- printer has power(supply, auduino, all connectors.
- Repetier-Informer server acts like it is connected but will not turn anything on(motor don’t move, no heating, nothing.) although the LEDs on the board flicker like it thinks it’s working.
It’s like all signals are going in, just no outputs.