Using Cura Plugin to directly send to RS won't save GCode on server.

Hello i think it´s a bug. I´m using the Repetier Plugin in Cura 3.2.1 If i send the Sliced project to the Server, the server starts to Print, after printjob is done, the is no GCode file on the Server. So i have to save the GCode with Cura and have to Upload it manually to the RS. Isn´t it possible to save the File direct on the Derver and start the job manually later?


  • That plugin is not from us. But as far as I understand it, it is only meant to send gcode to print queue not model queue which is to store them permanently. The difference is only marginal (different target url) so if you ask the author on github he might modify it, so you select what to do.
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