Moving from RPi3 B to B+


This might be a very stupid question, but I couldn't find any info on it in the forum or after googling.

I'm currently running Repetier-Server on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and have just bought the new Model B+. Can I just move my SD-card from the old Pi to the new and everything will work as before? Or do I have to do a new install and transfer settings on some way?

Thanks in advance!


  • Not sure what new B+ is 1, 2 or 3. In general the license will not work, so deactivate it before moving. Everything else should work. Maybe you get another ip from your router so you need to access that instead. Only when switching to Pi 1 B+ you get problems if you use the arm hf version of server, but on the image we always have arm el so that is normally no problem.
  • The new one is the Raspberry Pi 3 B+. So then it probably should work?

  • No, the 3+ is the latest and requires a newer linux. Our latest image uses this, so if you are based on that image it will work, otherwise you will need to install latest image that is compatible. Our software it self has no problems, but linux needs to know the new board to work.
  • Ok, thanks for the info. Will I be able to transfer the settings and history from my old installation over to the new one?
  • All settings and data are in /var/lib/Repetier-Server. If you stop server on new image and then replace it with the old version you have all files and settings of old pi. Just disable license before doing so as it will detect it is a different pi. After copy just activate license again.
  • edited October 2018
    Repetier said:
    All settings and data are in /var/lib/Repetier-Server. If you stop server on new image and then replace it with the old version you have all files and settings of old pi. Just disable license before doing so as it will detect it is a different pi. After copy just activate license again.
    How can I stop the server? Just have possibility to Shutdown or Reboot. How can i stop it in terminal?


    Edit: OK I found it in the manual after longer research: 

    sudo service RepetierServer stop

    But when I try to copy the directory from backup to raspberry it says always "permission denied". I'm logged in with user "pi".

  • Files in /var/lib are owned by root user. Login using ssh (putty) and stop server (if already installed) and run
    sudo mkdir /var/lib/Repetier-Server
    chmod 777 /var/lib/Repetier-Server
    chown -R pi /var/lib/Repetier-Server

    after that all files are now owned and writeable by pi. Next server start will change owner to repetierserver.
  • Thank you. It works...
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