Ultimaker 2 and LED light control.

I have an Ultimaker 2 printer with the Marlin firmware. From the printer menu, I can control the light, tell me how to make the Light button work in the Repetier Server interface? I know which pin on the board Mega is responsible for the light.


  • If you enabled light in server config it will use M355 to toggle th elight on/off if oyu go to the light button in control tab.

    M355: Turn case lights on/off

    M355 S1 ; Enable lights
    M355 S0 ; Disable lights
    M355    ; Report status

    Every call or change over LCD menu sends a state change for connected hosting software like:

    Case lights on
    Case lights off
    No case lights
    Alternative solution is to define named script to do so in Printer Settings->G-Codes then you can select them in the console tab as command.
  • does not work M355 but works M42 S255 on LED and M42 S0 off led.

    How can I assign this command to a button in the web interface?

  • edited May 2018
  • That is the butten sending M355 which seems to be not implemented. My other solution would appear at several places. Same page but at the top ">_" could contain it. Edit commands leads you to the editor where you can add as many commands as you want.
  • Please provide an example of adding a command. And what file? System on Ubuntu server
  • Not what file. Just go to printer settings->G Code tab. Hit "Add new Command", give it a name and set gcode to your M42 command. Store config an dit will appear in the dropdown.
  • Thank you, that's how it works for me. I meant the button in the webinterface
  • Just rechecked it and saw that it is not included for Marlin and M355 is now supported since Marlin 1.1, so I added

    <command type="caseLightsOn">M355 S1</command>
    <command type="caseLightsOff">M355 S0</command>
    in the marlin.xml firmware description for next release. If your version does not support this, you can replace this with your M42 codes instead. The firmware descriptions are in install dir/firmwares.
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