Server shutdown
I have the server setup on a Raspberry Pi3 and have attempted 2 prints so far on a Maker Select v2.1, but both have failed. The printer just stops while printing. Almost like the server shutdown, kills all the heaters and motors stop.
It stopped at different locations each time. It’s the same setup I was running with octoprint installed with no problems. Only difference is I’m running repetier server Pro now.
When printing, the only thing plugged into the Pi is one printer and the webcam, same as before. I also have a 5” touchscreen, which was also on when I was running octoprint.
Any thoughts on what would cause the server to quit for no reason?
No messages, no thermal runaway, nothing.
It stopped at different locations each time. It’s the same setup I was running with octoprint installed with no problems. Only difference is I’m running repetier server Pro now.
When printing, the only thing plugged into the Pi is one printer and the webcam, same as before. I also have a 5” touchscreen, which was also on when I was running octoprint.
Any thoughts on what would cause the server to quit for no reason?
No messages, no thermal runaway, nothing.
Since sunday we have a new image for pi with latest linux stretch installed. Upgrading to that image might help or not depending if they have changed the power handling. That might also be the difference to octoprint which micht run on a different linux version.
I re-installed the card with the octoprint image and restarted the same print. It’s been going for 9 hours now and still going with no problems.
The power supply is the one made for the Pi and I’m using the same setup for octoprint as for repetier server. When I finally have a chance to reinstall repetier server and find some filament I don’t mind wasting, I’ll try again.
I just don’t like the fact of paying 100$ CAD for something I have to sit and troubleshoot, yet octoprint was free and it works great.