Old imac

edited March 2018 in Mac
i wanted to know, does anyone know if a old APPLE IMAC 4,1 A1173 17” INTEL CORE 2 DUO 1.83GHZ/2GB RAM/160GB HDD/ MAC OSX 10.6 amd x1600 would run a 3D printer ok with Repetier host.

i have a i3 based hp touchsmart 520 with Intel gpu and it keeps crashing the software so was looking at getting a dedicated Mac for doing it. The OS meets the Requirements but I cannot find anything about the hardware  requirements.

I have a HCmaker 7 3D printer.


  • No MacOS 10.6 is too old. If it is already 64 bit you can run repetier-server on it, but even that is not sure.
  • It claims on website you need only 10.5

    Repetier-Host Mac Documentation



    You need a Macintosh computer with OS X 10.5 or higher. Some printer boards need a driver, like the FTDI driver, for the serial connection.

  • Thanks. I have updated the documentation. You could try with a very old version written when this was true. But apple makes it hard to support old OS. I even can not test it having only one mac. I think now minimum to work is 10.8 or even 10.9.
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