Bed Shape Coordinates
I am using a CellInk Inkredible plus bioprinter. From the company I got the printer shape coordinates to input into Repetier (V2.0.5) (picture provided). My problem is that when I use Slic3r (V1.3.0) to create the gcode and go print the, extruder travels to the back-right corner of the bed to begin the print. I am printing via a SD card and when I try to print the gcodes supplied by the company everything works fine. I am not able to get a response from the company.
So my question is could this be a problem with the Slic3r bed shape settings (picture provided), and if so what should the proper settings be based on the bed shape settings I have uploaded into Repetier.
Thanks for any assistance that can be provided.

So my question is could this be a problem with the Slic3r bed shape settings (picture provided), and if so what should the proper settings be based on the bed shape settings I have uploaded into Repetier.
Thanks for any assistance that can be provided.

Before the print I do this using the printer itself, so there is no need to redo it, also the gcode is causing it to home the z axis on the wrong side of the bed (sensor is on the opposite side) if that is whats going on. Not sure if this is part of the problem or not.
You should check the gcode generated and where that wrong move is. It could be part of you start gcode in slicer configuration.
Set Xmin and Ymin to 0
set Xmax=130
set Ymax=110
bed left=0 bed front=0
print area depth 110