Suicide dive when extruding fast (for changing filament)

edited October 2017 in Bug Reports

Using a Pi 3 in combination with Repetier server 0.86.2, a Kossel delta printer with Radds microcontroller.

I've noticed some strange behaviour. When I press extrude fast 100, the printer makes a suicide dive, it tries to push the nozzle into the bed. This happens when I use the server to extrude, but also when I use the filament change option. With distances lower then 100, it does not happen.

When using repetier host, connected to the server, everything works perfectly. Does anyone have ideas?

EDIT: It is basically the same error as dot_bob


  • Please check the log. Enable commands in console log and do your extrude and check what commands get send. First thing to isolate is if the server is sending wrong gcode or or firmware is interpreting something wrong. To prevent problems with long extrusions being blocked by firmware, the server splits such moves into several commands. So first suspect is that this contains some move command. Looking into the code I see that it would issue a xyz move with same position as shown in the interface, so normally that would be 0 move. If you had homing z position stored as 0 in server config that would mean after homing it would try to go down to 0. In that case just set homing z position correctly.
  • edited October 2017
    Ok, first 1 retracted 100, then pressed extrude 100 @ 30mm/s then the emergiency stop. This was the result:

    10:35:34.332: N784766 G1 E-100.00 F1800
    10:35:41.791: N784775 G1 X0.00 Y0.00 F1800
    10:35:41.791: N784776 G1 Z0.00 F1800
    10:35:41.791: N784777 G1 E-50.00 F1800
    10:35:41.797: N784778 G1 E0.00 F1800
    10:35:47.421: start
    10:35:47.421: Info:PowerUp
    10:35:47.421: Transformation matrix: 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
    10:35:47.421: Free RAM:79556
    10:35:47.421: Autoretract:0
    10:35:47.422: X:0.00 Y:0.00 Z:0.000 E:0.0000
    10:35:47.422: SelectExtruder:0
    10:35:47.422: N1 M112
    10:35:47.423: M110 N0
    10:35:47.423: N2 M115
    10:35:47.423: N3 M220 S100
    10:35:47.423: N4 M221 S100
    10:35:47.423: N5 M355
    10:35:47.423: N6 G92 E0
    10:35:47.423: N7 M114
    10:35:47.423: N8 G90
    10:35:47.424: N9 M111 S6
    10:35:47.424: N10 M360
    10:35:47.424: N11 M539 S1
    10:35:47.643: start
    10:35:47.644: N2 M117 IP:
    10:35:47.644: M110 N0
    10:35:47.644: N2 M115
    10:35:47.644: N3 M220 S100
    10:35:47.644: N4 M221 S100
    10:35:47.644: N5 M355
    10:35:47.645: N6 G92 E0
    10:35:47.645: N7 M114
    10:35:47.645: N8 G90
    10:35:47.645: N9 M111 S6
    10:35:47.645: Info:Software Reset
    10:35:47.647: Transformation matrix: 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
    10:35:47.647: Free RAM:79556
    10:35:47.648: Autoretract:0
    10:35:47.648: X:0.00 Y:0.00 Z:0.000 E:0.0000
    10:35:47.649: SelectExtruder:0
    10:35:47.974: N10 M360
    10:35:47.975: N11 M539 S1
    10:35:47.977: N12 M20
    10:35:47.978: N13 M117 IP:
    10:35:47.984: Printed filament:2824.97m Printing time:26 days 4 hours 56 min
    10:35:47.987: PrinterMode:FFF
    10:35:47.991: Info:No case lights
    10:35:47.991: X:0.00 Y:0.00 Z:0.000 E:0.0000
    10:35:47.992: DebugLevel:6
    10:35:47.993: Config:Baudrate:250000
    10:35:47.994: Config:InputBuffer:127
    10:35:47.994: Config:NumExtruder:1
    10:35:47.994: Config:MixingExtruder:0
    10:35:47.994: Config:HeatedBed:1
    10:35:47.999: Config:SDCard:1
    10:35:47.999: Config:Fan:1
    10:35:48.000: Config:Fan2:0
    10:35:48.000: Config:LCD:0
    10:35:48.000: Config:SoftwarePowerSwitch:0
    10:35:48.000: Config:XHomeDir:-1
    10:35:48.001: Config:YHomeDir:-1
    10:35:48.002: Config:ZHomeDir:1
    10:35:48.002: Config:SupportG10G11:0
    10:35:48.008: Config:SupportLocalFilamentchange:0
    10:35:48.008: Config:CaseLights:0
    10:35:48.008: Config:ZProbe:0
    10:35:48.008: Config:Autolevel:1
    10:35:48.008: Config:EEPROM:1
    10:35:48.009: Config:PrintlineCache:16
    10:35:48.009: Config:JerkXY:20.00
    10:35:48.010: Config:XMin:0.00
    10:35:48.011: Config:YMin:0.00
    10:35:48.011: Config:ZMin:0.00
    10:35:48.011: Config:XMax:200.00
    10:35:48.016: Config:YMax:200.00
    10:35:48.016: Config:ZMax:394.10
    10:35:48.016: Config:XSize:200.00
    10:35:48.017: Config:YSize:200.00
    10:35:48.017: Config:ZSize:394.10
    10:35:48.017: Config:XPrintAccel:1000.00
    10:35:48.019: Config:YPrintAccel:1000.00
    10:35:48.019: Config:ZPrintAccel:1000.00
    10:35:48.024: Config:XTravelAccel:1000.00
    10:35:48.024: Config:YTravelAccel:1000.00
    10:35:48.025: Config:ZTravelAccel:1000.00
    10:35:48.025: Config:PrinterType:Delta
    10:35:48.025: Config:MaxBedTemp:120
    10:35:48.026: Config:Extr.1:Jerk:20.00
    10:35:48.027: Config:Extr.1:MaxSpeed:50.00
    10:35:48.027: Config:Extr.1:Acceleration:5000.00
    10:35:48.032: Config:Extr.1:Diameter:0.00
    10:35:48.033: Config:Extr.1:MaxTemp:275
    10:35:48.033: Unknown command:N11 M539 S1
    10:35:48.034: Begin file list
    10:35:48.276: End file list
  • I think I figured it out. In Repetier host I've set my home position to be x:0 Y:0 Z:394,10.

    I've since set it on the server, and now it works  :D

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