Print quality issues, bubble looking effect after first few layers
Hey everyone,
After some tinkering and trouble I've gotten Repetier firmware and host installed and working the printer. I have done a few prints and noticed the pieces have what looks like bubbling after the first 10-15 layers. I'm sure this is a setting that I'm just not aware of
The temp settings on this piece were 215 at the extruder and 90 for the bed, 80% infill. I've tried from 215-230 for the extruder and 90-110 for the bed though I don't think the bed temp has any effect
Material is ABS, I don't have and PLA to try yet
Suggestions are appreciated!

After some tinkering and trouble I've gotten Repetier firmware and host installed and working the printer. I have done a few prints and noticed the pieces have what looks like bubbling after the first 10-15 layers. I'm sure this is a setting that I'm just not aware of
The temp settings on this piece were 215 at the extruder and 90 for the bed, 80% infill. I've tried from 215-230 for the extruder and 90-110 for the bed though I don't think the bed temp has any effect
Material is ABS, I don't have and PLA to try yet
Suggestions are appreciated!

I also noticed last night that the Z axis motor was moving the bed up and down quite a bit while in the middle of printing each layer so I disabled auto levelling in the eeprom, that did help with a print I tried last night, I'll test with a hotter extruder tonight
Could it be related to feedrate and flowrate? It almost looks like it's depositing too much material. I watched while it printed and it appears the filament is coming out in spurts almost
Is there a best practice for adjusting or starting the feed and flow rates other than trial and error?
I have the flowrate set to 125 and feedrate @ 250
from my experience printing speed of 40mm/s was good starting point for ABS.
As far as i know you cannot print abs that fast as PLA, so thats why i suggest that printing speed.
So PLA can be printed faster thank ABS? I've yet to print with PLA but have a roll on order that should be here tomorrow. Should the feed and flow rates be closer to 250 and 125, respectively, as a starting point?
abs doesn´t get that liquid as pla.But i´m not that experienced in printing.
having the need for feedrate at 120 and flow at 70 shows your slicer is not set up correct.
so 60mm/s at feed 120% results in 72mm/s which seems pretty high to me for ABS
I just looked up instructions and will give that a try as well.
I spent a few hours tonight tweaking the printer, after calibrating the extruder, leveling the bed a bit further and adjusting the per/mm settings in Slic3r I've gotten it to print good quality prints.
Thanks for the info!