Repetier Host 2.0.1 - CuraEngine seems to ignore 'Start' and 'End' gcode settings

In RepetierHost 1.6, I had my CuraEngine slicer settings set to add custom start and end gcode (to do a hotend purge, set up for volumetric extrusion, etc).

Now, with RepetierHost 2.0, it seems to ignore these settings, and the sliced file always starts with:

;Generated with Cura_SteamEngine 14.09
M109 S210     ;Heatup to 210C
G21           ;metric values
G90           ;absolute positioning
G28           ;Home
G1 Z15.0 F300 ;move the platform down 15mm
G92 E0        ;zero the extruded length
G1 F200 E5    ;extrude 5mm of feed stock
G92 E0        ;zero the extruded length again

.. instead of my custom GCode.

Any ideas? Known issue?


  • To reproduce:

    From the ReptierHost log:
    07:33:16.097 : CuraEngine command:/home/jmcmullan/Desktop/3DP/RepetierHost-2.0.1/plugins/CuraEngine/CuraEngine -p -v -c "/home/jmcmullan/.local/share/RepetierHost/cura.ini" -s posx=0 -s posy=0 -o "/home/jmcmullan/.local/share/RepetierHost/composition.gcode" "/home/jmcmullan/.local/share/RepetierHost/composition0.stl" "-"

    layerThickness = 275
    initialLayerThickness = 150
    filamentDiameter = 1128
    filamentFlow = 100
    extrusionWidth = 800
    layer0extrusionWidth = 800
    insetCount = 1
    infillOverlap = 15
    initialSpeedupLayers = 4
    initialLayerSpeed = 26
    printSpeed = 40
    infillSpeed = 26
    skinSpeed = 40
    inset0Speed = 26
    insetXSpeed = 40
    moveSpeed = 536
    fanSpeedMin = 100
    fanSpeedMax = 100
    supportAngle = -1
    supportEverywhere = 0
    supportLineDistance = 2000
    supportXYDistance = 800
    supportZDistance = 400
    supportExtruder = -1
    retractionAmount = 7000
    retractionSpeed = 40
    retractionMinimalDistance = 0
    retractionAmountExtruderSwitch = 0
    retractionZHop = 75
    minimalExtrusionBeforeRetraction = 0
    enableCombing = 1
    multiVolumeOverlap = 0
    objectSink = 0
    minimalLayerTime = 5
    minimalFeedrate = 10
    coolHeadLift = 0
    perimeterBeforeInfill = 0
    extruderOffset[0].X = 0
    extruderOffset[0].Y = 0
    extruderOffset[1].X = 0
    extruderOffset[1].Y = 0
    fixHorrible = 1
    fanFullOnLayerNr = 2
    supportType = 0
    infillPattern = 0
    sparseInfillLineDistance = 3809
    downSkinCount = 4
    upSkinCount = 4
    skirtDistance = 0
    skirtLineCount = 5
    gcodeFlavor = 5
    spiralizeMode = 0
    enableOozeShield = 1
    autoCenter = 0
    startCode = """
    ; Default start code
    G28 ; Home extruder
    G1 Z15 X-1 Y-85 F4800
    M107 ; Turn off fan
    G90 ; Absolute positioning
    M82 ; Extruder in absolute mode
    ; Volumetric extrusion:1
    M200 T0 D1.75
    ; Bring bed up to temp
    M190 S65
    ; Activate all used extruder
    M104 T0 S230
    G92 E0 ; Reset extruder position
    ; Wait for all used extruders to reach temperature
    M109 T0 S230
    ; Wipe the nozzle on bed
    G1 Z0.1
    G2 X0 Y-85 I1 J85 E30 F4800
    G92 E0 ; Reset extruder
    endCode = """
    ; Default end code
    ;G1 X0 Y0 Z180; Get extruder out of way. Uncomment to use!
    M107 ; Turn off fan
    ; Disable all extruder
    G91 ; Relative positioning
    G1 E-1 ; Reduce filament pressure
    M104 T0 S0
    M104 T1 S0
    G90 ; Absolute positioning
    G92 E0 ; Reset extruder position
    M140 S0 ; Disable heated bed
    M84 ; Turn steppers off
    ; Volumetric extrusion:0
    M200 T0 D0
    preSwitchExtruderCode = """

    postSwitchExtruderCode = """


  • Have tested it with latest version  and it inserted the start code I tested. Then used exactly your start code and it still worked. Removing the start code gives no start code and not 210 as in your case. So I wonder if it saw your cura.ini at all or if it was just using some defaults for everything. Any error messages in log? No read permissions on cura.ini?
  • 20:22:14.767 : <CuraEngine> Config(/home/jmcmullan/.local/share/RepetierHost/cura.ini):L13: Failed to set 'skinSpeed' to '40'
    20:22:14.767 : <CuraEngine> Failed to read config '/home/jmcmullan/.local/share/RepetierHost/cura.ini'

    md5sum of the CuraEngine plugins:

    $ md5sum plugins/CuraEngine/CuraEngine64
    7e3b8c5b44690ee2dd007fd7132b1762  plugins/CuraEngine/CuraEngine64
     md5sum plugins/CuraEngine/CuraEngine
    19126e7a8f8ee48eb4f5b2405212e1e8  plugins/CuraEngine/CuraEngine
    $ ls -l plugins/CuraEngine/
    total 7080
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 jmcmullan jmcmullan 2531049 Jul  4  2015 CuraEngine
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 jmcmullan jmcmullan 1965872 Jul  2  2015 CuraEngine32
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 jmcmullan jmcmullan 2535136 Jul  4  2015 CuraEngine64
    -rw-r--r-- 1 jmcmullan jmcmullan  214528 May  8 13:15 CuraEngine.dll

    Removing 'CuraEngine' 19126e... and making it a symlink to CuraEngine64:

    $ ln -sf CuraEngine64 plugins/CuraEngine/CuraEngine

    solved my issues! I can now print with my custom G code.

    Thanks for have me check my logs - I wouldn't have guessed this.

    Looks like an old version of CuraEngine was in my plugins directory.
  • Sounds then like 32 bit version for linux is buggy.
  • Hi,

    I got the same issue with Host version 2.0.1 on linux and with curaengine: not only start and end gcode where ignore, but all settings (printer settings and dimension, nozzle size, filament temp, ...).

    In my plugins/CuraEngine directory, the 3 executable (CuraEngine, CuraEngine32 and CuraEngine64) all have different checksum. I can't tell to which one "CuraEngine" correspond...

    Like jmcmullan, I moved away "CuraEngine" and create a new on as a symlink against "CuraEngine64".
    I confirmed it solves the problem.

    But it's strange, and I had no issues with 2.0.0.
  • Very strange. I tested just myself and reported cura version is 15.05 and both 32 and 64 bit work. One of them gets copied from configuration script. So unless you do not run the script there should be no reason that it does not copy 32 or 64 to CuraEngine.

    So did you run after unpacking?
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