Host 1.0.2, memory creep and crashing.
in Mac
Hi Chaps.
I've been suffering a bit of a weird problem with my Host 1.0.2 on my Mac.
I've been suffering a bit of a weird problem with my Host 1.0.2 on my Mac.
I'm running Yosemite, on my macbook pro, 8GB Ram, 2.66 Core2.
Basically Repetier seems to build up a Memory Pressure usage issue (as can be found in the Activity Monitor), where it starts off using very little memory (currently 220mb), but over time this builds up to using over 5GB or more. Eventually this locks the computer.
CPU load is between 10-15% normally (haven't been able to check the load when the problem occurs yet).
For the most part, this seems to only happen when Repetier is 'Idle' (i.e connected to the printer... A Prusa i3, but not actually working on a job).
I can run a print and it does it's thing quite happily, but the memory soak seems to occur after the print has finished and it's just sitting there connected. Or at least the problem manifests itself much faster at this point.
For the most part, this seems to only happen when Repetier is 'Idle' (i.e connected to the printer... A Prusa i3, but not actually working on a job).
I can run a print and it does it's thing quite happily, but the memory soak seems to occur after the print has finished and it's just sitting there connected. Or at least the problem manifests itself much faster at this point.
This occurs when I am using the mac, and it's not set to go into 'sleep' mode ever.
It also seems to do the same thing over a long print (had one running for about 10 hours yesterday at the point where it failed), whereby it soaks the memory and eventually locks up the Mac and goes into 'not responding' and then automatically quits.
It has done this quite consistently for a while now. The problem is currently combatted by keeping an eye on the print and shutting down repetier as soon as the print is completed. Which is not ideal obviously.
It does come up with a 'report' after it quits unexpectedly... But not sure where they disappear to.
Is anyone else getting this, and does anyone have any ideas or solutions.
Thanks in advance
I have printed a small object with a virtual printer and left it connected. All it does is reporting temperatures but memory did not increase after 3 hours.
While printing memory will increase as the preview grows and needs more and more ram. But you said explicitly it increases when idle after print, and I can not see that. 3 hours still 100mb like after my test print. How much does it grow for you when idle? If you change connection to virtual printer doe sit still happen and can you give a way to copy the problem. There is no need to wait for 5gb here if it grows 100mb when idle it is a leakage if you are not loading models etc. which also change memory usage.
Looks like the physical connection to the printer may the issue somewhere.
The problem seems to be no longer occurring.
Ok, physical connection to arduino Due over serial port does not increase memory usage for me as well. Anything other unusual
so that matches your new observation. SO maybe driver related and reconnecting fixed it, who knows what they do ...