Gcode text based search and replace.
Sometimes I find I have to create hybrid Gcode to get the result I want. This means cut and paste gcode from several different slicer programs together in the text window. Finding a specific line of gcode in 50,000+ lines of text can be a real chore especially since there is no text based search capability or link to the layer scroll in the 3d viewer. What Would be great would be a standard set of text based search and replace functions and a way to link the Gcode text window scroll to the layer viewer scroll for the 3D model view window. When you are in layer range or single layer mode every time you change the layer the text window jumps to the start of the layer. Maybe add a subscroll ability to jump to the beginning of each non rapid travel segment. Highlight the current segment on the 3d model. If you had a strange move or a segment you want to tune the motion manually it would make it much easier to find it.