Repertier Server killed USB connection for Repetier HOST
I am having connection problems with my iMac and my Anet A8 3D printer. I finally got it to run via USB - though unable to upload to SD card - which may just be an Anet issue.
A suggestion in another post was to try the server and check if it make a difference. It does... because Repertier Server killed USB connection for Repetier HOST!
Can anybody advise how I get rid of the server and its affects of the host?
Try to connect and error is - 9:23:34 am: Couldn't open port for device wchusbserialfa120
Advise please...
A suggestion in another post was to try the server and check if it make a difference. It does... because Repertier Server killed USB connection for Repetier HOST!
Can anybody advise how I get rid of the server and its affects of the host?
Try to connect and error is - 9:23:34 am: Couldn't open port for device wchusbserialfa120
Advise please...
Checked System Report > USB - not listed there.
Did terminal - no driver listed - check this.
sh-3.2# ls /dev/tty*
/dev/tty /dev/ttysf
/dev/tty.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port /dev/ttyt0
/dev/ttyp0 /dev/ttyt1
/dev/ttyp1 /dev/ttyt2
/dev/ttyp2 /dev/ttyt3
/dev/ttyp3 /dev/ttyt4
/dev/ttyp4 /dev/ttyt5
/dev/ttyp5 /dev/ttyt6
/dev/ttyp6 /dev/ttyt7
/dev/ttyp7 /dev/ttyt8
/dev/ttyp8 /dev/ttyt9
/dev/ttyp9 /dev/ttyta
/dev/ttypa /dev/ttytb
/dev/ttypb /dev/ttytc
/dev/ttypc /dev/ttytd
/dev/ttypd /dev/ttyte
/dev/ttype /dev/ttytf
/dev/ttypf /dev/ttyu0
/dev/ttyq0 /dev/ttyu1
/dev/ttyq1 /dev/ttyu2
/dev/ttyq2 /dev/ttyu3
/dev/ttyq3 /dev/ttyu4
/dev/ttyq4 /dev/ttyu5
/dev/ttyq5 /dev/ttyu6
/dev/ttyq6 /dev/ttyu7
/dev/ttyq7 /dev/ttyu8
/dev/ttyq8 /dev/ttyu9
/dev/ttyq9 /dev/ttyua
/dev/ttyqa /dev/ttyub
/dev/ttyqb /dev/ttyuc
/dev/ttyqc /dev/ttyud
/dev/ttyqd /dev/ttyue
/dev/ttyqe /dev/ttyuf
/dev/ttyqf /dev/ttyv0
/dev/ttyr0 /dev/ttyv1
/dev/ttyr1 /dev/ttyv2
/dev/ttyr2 /dev/ttyv3
/dev/ttyr3 /dev/ttyv4
/dev/ttyr4 /dev/ttyv5
/dev/ttyr5 /dev/ttyv6
/dev/ttyr6 /dev/ttyv7
/dev/ttyr7 /dev/ttyv8
/dev/ttyr8 /dev/ttyv9
/dev/ttyr9 /dev/ttyva
/dev/ttyra /dev/ttyvb
/dev/ttyrb /dev/ttyvc
/dev/ttyrc /dev/ttyvd
/dev/ttyrd /dev/ttyve
/dev/ttyre /dev/ttyvf
/dev/ttyrf /dev/ttyw0
/dev/ttys0 /dev/ttyw1
/dev/ttys000 /dev/ttyw2
/dev/ttys1 /dev/ttyw3
/dev/ttys2 /dev/ttyw4
/dev/ttys3 /dev/ttyw5
/dev/ttys4 /dev/ttyw6
/dev/ttys5 /dev/ttyw7
/dev/ttys6 /dev/ttyw8
/dev/ttys7 /dev/ttyw9
/dev/ttys8 /dev/ttywa
/dev/ttys9 /dev/ttywb
/dev/ttysa /dev/ttywc
/dev/ttysb /dev/ttywd
/dev/ttysc /dev/ttywe
/dev/ttysd /dev/ttywf
So I have no idea what to try next.... does anybody have this problem?? All was OK until I installed Server!
No matter what I do - when install CH341 and CH34x v1.3 - the run the install process and the pop up says Successful.... but they do not show in Host and a terminal check shows they are not installed as does a System Report.
Am I the only person on the planet using an Apple OS 10.12..4 Sierra iMac that has this problem.
I have a mini Mac and on that one -- I cannot use Repetier because what prints OK from SD card - does not work using Host -because when it runs - its starts printing about 20mm above the hotbed!
The problem is that the firmware on Anet motherboard - does not use a real USB connection.
After some information passed from a forum - I downloaded - " " Its a USB - Serial bridge. I rean the application.... when it finished - restarted the computer, opened HOST and check the printer settings. Selected the driver and then set up a print controlled from computer via USB cable... all is well and my world is a better place!!
Thanks to all who tried to find a solution.