Cloud slicing/local slicing or server slice settings

I know that cloud slicing is in the road map but I was wondering if it would be possible to also have local rendering? With the Pi3 especially, it has the power to slice prints in reasonable order. Sure it will never be as quick as a full fledged PC but I have to wait 5-10 minutes for the bed to heat up most times anyway
Plus I don't want to have to pay a monthly fee for an external process (from what I understand) to do something that can be done at home anyway.

Failing that is there a way that Repetier Server can hold all the settings from Repetier Host so that when I move between my laptop and desktop I have all the same settings. Would save having to hunt them down and copy manually 

Also means if I 'forget' (;)) to backup settings if I have to re-install the OS on my PC then the settings are already to go.