Possible mains interference problems?
I've had a couple failed prints over the past week or so that were a result of the printer losing serial communication with the server mid-print. I'm suspecting that this is a result of noise on the AC mains line, though I suppose I can't be sure. The reason I suspect this is that in both cases it happened as I was walking away from my workbench. The first time I turned off a CFL desk lamp and the printer immediately rebooted. The second time I turned off my Hakko soldering station, causing the printer to reboot. The frustrating thing is that while these devices are all plugged into the same wall outlet, the Repetier-server PC (Intel Atom D2700 running Debian) and the printer are powered by their own dedicated power-conditioning UPS. I was specifically trying to condition the power and avoid issues like this.
Anyway, in trying to resolve this issue, I have a couple questions:
1. Currently I'm running the printer at 115200 baud. I'm using the repetier protocol, so given the compression of the binary protocol as compared to ASCII, I was wondering if 57600 baud would be fast enough. Lower baud might make me less susceptible to comms issues.
2. Is there any possibility of bypassing the FTDI chip and interfacing directly over hardware serial to a Melzi board? My repetier-server host PC actually has a couple hardware serial ports.
Some details:
My printer is a Wanhao i3 v2.1. I've upgraded the firmware to Repetier 1.0.0dev, I'm using Repetier-Server v0.80.3. When I had the control box open in order to install the heatbed MOSFET mod, I also removed J14, the auto-reset on serial connect jumper.
Aside from my two questions above, do you have any advice for me regarding how I can avoid losing serial comms mid-way through a print?