v0.80.3 / Updates: is it safe to modify webcam.conf
quick question: I'm currently runing v0.80.3 on a raspi (installed via SD-Image with v0.80.? and updated from there onwards).
Right now I'm not really happy with the cam's defaults, especially WEBCAM_WIDTH / _HEIGHT.
Will changes to /usr/local/Repetier-Setup/etc/webcam.conf survive future updates or should I either
[ ] remember where I faffed around ;-)
[ ] copy <files> to somewhere (SVN with a file://-repo on my NAS would also be possible here but if the directories do not survive an update that won't be much help 'cos the .svn-subdir will be lost too)
[ ] ??
Right now I'm not really happy with the cam's defaults, especially WEBCAM_WIDTH / _HEIGHT.
Will changes to /usr/local/Repetier-Setup/etc/webcam.conf survive future updates or should I either
[ ] remember where I faffed around ;-)
[ ] copy <files> to somewhere (SVN with a file://-repo on my NAS would also be possible here but if the directories do not survive an update that won't be much help 'cos the .svn-subdir will be lost too)
[ ] ??