Connected in orange?

what does it mean when the "Connected" shows in orange?

On Windows it is green and the printer is on control.

On Raspberry it is only orange and the printer is not on control.

I´m on 0.50.2 and it was also on 050.1

Thank you.


  • That mean the port is there but it could not establish a communication. One reason could be a wrong baud rate. Remember that Linux natively only supports ANSI baud rates. So 250000 will only work with tricks and these currently seem only to work with FTDI chips.

    Could also a problem with how your board handles it, since I don't know the board you are using. I've tested it with Repetier-Firmware on RAMPS, Due and printrboard. An RAMPS also with Marlin.
  • I have an Ultimaker 1 with Marlin.
    On my Raspberry is "2014-12-24-wheezy-raspbian" installed.

    The OctoPrint works on Port /dev/ttyACM0 at 250000 and 115200 baud rate.

    On Repetier-Server I have set the same Port and the 115200 baud rate.
    Autodedect Values from Firmware works but there are no green or red value matches.

  • Well, if your firmware is configured to 250000 it will not work. My solution seems only to work with USB0 also you should not use these names at all since any printer can get that name. Prefered port is/dev/serial/by-id/<name> which is unique for your printer so it will always be the same, even if it would get ACM1 in the /dev/tty list.

    Looks like I need to find out how py-serial does the trick form ACM devices.
  • Ok, good news. After fiddeling for hours on that problem I found that there is a newer method for setting non ansi baud rates on linux. This one also works with ACM0 like devices and will be included in 0.50.3 :-) So from there on linux should also be able to handle all baud rates.
  • Very good. :)
    I´m looking forward to test the 0.50.3.
  • BTW
    You wrote we should install the armel: libc 2.13 like on Raspberry-PI Raspian.
    It´s ok., but all others I´m install on my Raspberry-PI Raspian are armelhf.
    I don´t know what is different.
  • See for more details. It has something to do that the Pi uses armv6 which has a different command set not supporting floating point also the pi has a floating point. Anyhow, the armel packages are compiled on raspbian so I assume they are arhmelhf in reality.
  • Thank you for clarifying. :)
  • 0.50.3 is working. :)
    But now, I have always errors in connection and the print break down after some minutes.

    The gcode made with Simplify3d can´t be loaded.
    I have first to cut out the comments in the files.
  • Can you give an excerpt of the errors? For me it is working ok. Make sure you have no other server running like the old version.

    I also uploaded Slimplify3D gcode files without problems. Do you have an example of a version that can not be uploaded? Does the log tell anything about the problem with the upload (/var/lib/Repetier-Server/logs/server.log). It is important that you have enough free space on your disk and tmp directory. But since uploading without comments worked I guess it is an other problem.
  • I have installed a new raspbian with only the 0.50.3 on it.

    Ok. It´s better now.
    I have taken out the "Allow zeroing of extrusion distances, G92 E0" from Simplify3D.
    The print is ready with some stops.
    But I have also cut out the comments to upload the gcode.

    I have made the same part with Repetier-Host in Cura and it run very good with Repetier-Server.

    Kabelklammer_1, is made with Simplify3d
    Kabelklammer_1_red, is with cut out the comments

    Here is the server.log:
    2015-01-06 17:13:49: New session: bFYB$Ngd67OA9MJD!Zy3gvHO#AmxO9KB
    2015-01-06 17:16:37: Uploaded  size:710157
    2015-01-06 17:16:37: error accessing /printer/model/Ultimaker?a=upload&sess=bFYB%24Ngd67OA9MJD!Zy3gvHO%23AmxO9KB&name=Kabelklammer_1&filename=%5Bobject+File%5D:
    2015-01-06 17:16:38: Updating info for /var/lib/Repetier-Server/printer/Ultimaker/models/00000015_Kabelklammer_1.g printer Ultimaker
    2015-01-06 17:40:55: Repetier-Informer API response: {"error":1008,"errorMessage":"No one listening for group"}
    2015-01-06 17:42:54: Uploaded  size:704799
    2015-01-06 17:42:54: error accessing /printer/model/Ultimaker?a=upload&sess=bFYB%24Ngd67OA9MJD!Zy3gvHO%23AmxO9KB&name=Kabelklammer_1_red&filename=%5Bobject+File%5D:
    2015-01-06 17:42:54: Updating info for /var/lib/Repetier-Server/printer/Ultimaker/models/00000016_Kabelklammer_1_red.g printer Ultimaker
    2015-01-06 18:06:29: Resend after 3949
    2015-01-06 18:11:43: Repetier-Informer API response: {"error":1008,"errorMessage":"No one listening for group"}
    2015-01-06 18:12:39: Client closed connection unexpectedly
    2015-01-06 18:12:39: Closing websocket 8
    2015-01-06 18:12:39: Opening websocket 9
    2015-01-06 18:12:39: New session: O0gbaYRgf9yoiTDsECv^^OdVhQSHZ7m*
    2015-01-06 18:14:53: Client closed connection unexpectedly
    2015-01-06 18:14:53: Closing websocket 9
    2015-01-06 18:14:53: Opening websocket 10
    2015-01-06 18:14:53: New session: Be4tChZz3kzlPDpyjw$yW2gPe&oPRmgl
    2015-01-06 18:21:19: Opening websocket 11
    2015-01-06 18:21:19: New session: QxekqQvtM7q5Kf^@nKDKZ1rDMslvedgH
    2015-01-06 18:21:20: Client closed connection unexpectedly
    2015-01-06 18:21:20: Closing websocket 10

  • Here are the first lines of the gcode.

    ; G-Code generated by Simplify3D(TM) Version 2.2.0
    ; Jan 6, 2015 at 6:09:40
    ; Settings Summary
    ; processName,Process1
    ; applyToModels,Kabelklammer
    ; profileLabel,ABS_rot_245.fff
    ; printMaterial,
    ; printQuality,
    ; extruderName,Extruder 1
    ; extruderToolheadNumber,0
    ; extruderDiameter,0.42
    ; extruderAutoWidth,1
    ; extruderWidth,0.504
    ; extrusionMultiplier,1
    ; extruderUseRetract,1
    ; extruderRetractionDistance,4
    ; extruderExtraRestartDistance,0
    ; extruderRetractionZLift,0
    ; extruderRetractionSpeed,2400
    ; extruderUseCoasting,0
    ; extruderCoastingDistance,0.2
    ; extruderUseWipe,0
    ; extruderWipeDistance,5
    ; primaryExtruder,0
    ; layerHeight,0.2
    ; topSolidLayers,3
    ; bottomSolidLayers,3
    ; perimeterOutlines,2
    ; printPerimetersInsideOut,1
    ; startPointOption,2
    ; startPointOriginX,0
    ; startPointOriginY,0
    ; startPointOriginZ,26
    ; sequentialIslands,0
    ; spiralVaseMode,0
    ; firstLayerHeightPercentage,150
    ; firstLayerWidthPercentage,100
    ; firstLayerUnderspeed,0.5
    ; useRaft,0
    ; raftExtruder,0
    ; raftLayers,3
    ; raftOffset,3
    ; raftSeparationDistance,0.1
    ; raftInfill,85
    ; disableRaftBaseLayers,1
    ; useSkirt,1
    ; skirtExtruder,0
    ; skirtLayers,1
    ; skirtOutlines,2
    ; skirtOffset,1.4
    ; infillExtruder,0
    ; externalInfillPattern,Rectilinear
    ; infillPercentage,50
    ; outlineOverlapPercentage,15
    ; infillExtrusionWidthPercentage,100
    ; minInfillLength,4
    ; infillLayerInterval,1
    ; randomInfillStartPoint,1
    ; infillAngles,45,-45
    ; generateSupport,0
    ; supportExtruder,0
    ; supportInfill,20
    ; supportExtraInflation,0
    ; denseSupportLayers,0
    ; denseSupportInfill,70
    ; supportLayerInterval,1
    ; supportHorizontalPartOffset,0.7
    ; supportUpperSeparationLayers,0
    ; supportLowerSeparationLayers,0
    ; supportGridSpacing,2.4
    ; maxOverhangAngle,65
    ; supportAngles,45
    ; temperatureName,Extruder 1 Temperature,Heated Bed
    ; temperatureNumber,0,0
    ; temperatureSetpointCount,1,1
    ; temperatureSetpointLayers,1,1
    ; temperatureSetpointTemperatures,245,95
    ; temperatureStabilizeAtStartup,1,1
    ; temperatureHeatedBed,0,1
    ; temperatureRelayBetweenLayers,0,0
    ; temperatureRelayBetweenLoops,0,0
    ; fanLayers,1,10
    ; fanSpeeds,0,60
    ; blipFanToFullPower,1
    ; adjustSpeedForCooling,1
    ; minSpeedLayerTime,15
    ; minCoolingSpeedSlowdown,20
    ; increaseFanForCooling,0
    ; minFanLayerTime,45
    ; maxCoolingFanSpeed,100
    ; increaseFanForBridging,1
    ; bridgingFanSpeed,100
    ; use5D,1
    ; relativeEdistances,0
    ; allowEaxisZeroing,0
    ; independentExtruderAxes,0
    ; includeM10123,1
    ; stickySupport,1
    ; detectArcs,0
    ; arcReplaceG2G3,0
    ; arcRadialCompensation,1
    ; gcodeXoffset,0
    ; gcodeYoffset,0
    ; gcodeZoffset,0
    ; overrideMachineDefinition,1
    ; machineTypeOverride,0
    ; strokeXoverride,205
    ; strokeYoverride,205
    ; strokeZoverride,210
    ; originOffsetXoverride,0
    ; originOffsetYoverride,0
    ; originOffsetZoverride,0
    ; homeXdirOverride,-1
    ; homeYdirOverride,-1
    ; homeZdirOverride,-1
    ; flipXoverride,1
    ; flipYoverride,1
    ; flipZoverride,1
    ; startingGcode,G21 ;metric values,G90 ;absolute positioning,M82 ;set extruder to absolute mode,M107 ;start with the fan off,G28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops,G28 Z0 ;move Z to min endstops,G1 Z1.0 F1000 ;move the platform down 15mm,G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length,G1 F200 E5 ;extrude 3mm of feed stock,G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again,G1 F4000,;Put printing message on LCD screen,M117 Printing...
    ; layerChangeGcode,
    ; toolChangeGcode,
    ; endingGcode,M104 S0 ;extruder heater off,M140 S0 ;heated bed heater off (if you have it),M107 ;fan off,G91 ;relative positioning,G1 E-1 F300 ;retract the filament a bit before lifting the nozzle to release some of the pressure,G1 Z+0.5 E-5 X-20 Y-20 F8000 ;move Z up a bit and retract filament even more,G28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops so the head is out of the way,G28 Z0 ;move Z to min endstops,M84 ;steppers off,G90 ;absolute positioning
    ; createX3G,0
    ; celebration,0
    ; celebrationSong,Random Song
    ; createMB5G,0
    ; postProcessing,
    ; defaultSpeed,4200
    ; outlineUnderspeed,0.9
    ; solidInfillUnderspeed,0.9
    ; supportUnderspeed,0.9
    ; rapidXYspeed,12000
    ; rapidZspeed,1200
    ; minBridgingArea,50
    ; bridgingExtrusionMultiplier,1
    ; bridgingSpeedMultiplier,0.7
    ; filamentDiameter,2.85
    ; filamentPricePerKg,30
    ; useMinPrintHeight,0
    ; minPrintHeight,0
    ; useMaxPrintHeight,0
    ; maxPrintHeight,0
    ; useDiaphragm,0
    ; diaphragmLayerInterval,10
    ; robustSlicing,1
    ; mergeAllIntoSolid,0
    ; onlyRetractWhenCrossingOutline,1
    ; retractBetweenLayers,1
    ; useRetractionMinTravel,1
    ; retractionMinTravel,3
    ; useRetractionOozeRate,0
    ; retractionOozeRate,6000
    ; onlyWipeOutlines,1
    ; toolChangeRetractionDistance,12
    ; toolChangeExtraRestartDistance,-0.1
    ; toolChangeRetractionSpeed,600
    ; allowThinWallGapFill,0
    ; thinWallAllowedOverlapPercentage,15
    M106 S0
    M140 S95
    M190 S95
    M104 S245 T0
    M109 S245 T0
    G21 ;metric values
    G90 ;absolute positioning
    M82 ;set extruder to absolute mode
    M107 ;start with the fan off
    G28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops
    G28 Z0 ;move Z to min endstops
    G1 Z1.0 F1000 ;move the platform down 15mm
    G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length
    G1 F200 E5 ;extrude 3mm of feed stock
    G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again
    G1 F4000
    ;Put printing message on LCD screen
    M117 Printing...
    G1 E-4 F2400
    ; layer 1, Z = 0.3
    ; tool H0.3 W0.504
    G1 X95.434 Y87.1 F12000
    G1 Z0.3 F1200
    G1 E0 F720
    G1 X95.453 Y87.08 E0.0007 F1541
    G1 X95.888 Y86.66 E0.015

  • Still no luck getting errors. I could upload your gcode without problems. Maybe the critical part was left out. Can you put a gcode on pastebin or somewhere else that is definitely not possible to upload?

    Also you should leave G92 E0 enabled. It is important for big prints to not loose precision. Float only has 6-7 digits so 2000.0034 makes no sense since it would cut off 34 or at least 4 while 10.0034 would take it all.
  • I have made a small Test-part with G92 E0 enabled.
    It is not loadable by me.

    I have put it on Dropbox, because it is too long to paste here.

  • i hate to say it, but I simply uploaded it and it appeared in my list of g-code files.

    So the only explaination that woul dbe left is that it depends on your printer configuration. Luckily that is also exportable as single file, so if you would provide that I could test it with exactly your settings/file combination. But I think it's not the upload that fails. It might be the analysis that happens after upload that fails. After all your log also shows no error. The error you see after "Uploaded  size:710157" is a output that happended every time even if there was no error. Only text after : counts as error and that was empty.
  • edited January 2015
    I have made some tests.
    I have installed Ubuntu on my old Notebook and then Repetier-Server Debian amd64 0.50.3.
    The connection with Ultimaker is ok, but there is the same error like on the raspberry with the Upload.
    I have also installed Repetier-Host Linux 1.0.6 on the Notebook but there is no connection possible with 250000 baud rate.
    This problem is also on Cura with Ubuntu.

    Simplify3d and Mattercontrol works great on Ubuntu.

    Here is my Ultimaker config.

  • Still working like a charm.

    I'm already wondering if we have different understanding on uploading. I mean uploading to the server so it appears in the g-code list. The uploading it self is even independent from any content. Printing is something different which I did not test.

    The host has still the 250000 baud problem with ACM0 devices. I will implement the new trick I learned for the server there for the next release.
  • Sorry for misunderstanding.
    The uploading in the g-code list is working.
    I meant starting the print-job and the print-job itself.

    I look forward to the new version.

    Thank you.
  • Ok, that explains a lot. Unfortunately I have no Ultimaker for testing. Can you tell what happens if you print. I guess print starts and then something happens that should not happen? What exactly and can you give the log for this problem. Every print adds a log that can be downloaded and has the name of the printjob.
  • I have tried to print the Test-Part ones again.

    If I start the print-job, it looks normally first.
    It shows very short the Comment "Prepareing Print..." and then all is done.
    In the Message is the Comment "Print of Test on printer Ultimaker finished. Send 0 lines. Printing time: 0:00:00".

    Here is the server.log:
    2015-01-10 10:32:10: Start logging...
    2015-01-10 10:32:10: Webdirectory: /usr/local/Repetier-Server/www/
    2015-01-10 10:32:10: Storage directory: /var/lib/Repetier-Server/
    2015-01-10 10:32:10: Configuration file: /usr/local/Repetier-Server/etc/RepetierServer.xml
    2015-01-10 10:32:10: Directory for temporary files: /tmp/
    2015-01-10 10:32:10: Reading printer config /var/lib/Repetier-Server/configs/Ultimaker.xml
    2015-01-10 10:45:59: Opening websocket 1
    2015-01-10 10:45:59: New session: u@&L*9vCzXzhp@l&^x*BPUPiKDPNCRQ%
    2015-01-10 10:46:08: Connection started:Ultimaker
    2015-01-10 10:46:08: Reset printer Ultimaker
    2015-01-10 10:46:31: Repetier-Informer API response: {"error":1008,"errorMessage":"No one listening for group"}
    2015-01-10 10:47:10: Client closed connection unexpectedly
    2015-01-10 10:47:10: Closing websocket 1
    2015-01-10 10:47:10: Opening websocket 2
    2015-01-10 10:47:11: New session: chluqsI2PHvRegt5qEHRr0ABPtsjKVy5
    2015-01-10 10:47:20: Client closed connection unexpectedly
    2015-01-10 10:47:20: Closing websocket 2
    2015-01-10 10:47:20: Opening websocket 3
    2015-01-10 10:47:20: New session: Cv@E0TGb5C!v#&1%UUgXU!213vlOQvTw
    2015-01-10 10:47:42: Connection closed: Ultimaker

    Here is the Test.log:
    < 11:46:31: N24 M105

    Here is the connected.log:
    > 11:46:31: ok T:20.9 /0.0 B:18.9 /0.0 T0:20.9 /0.0 T1:19.1 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
    < 11:46:32: N25 M105
    > 11:46:32: ok T:20.9 /0.0 B:19.0 /0.0 T0:20.9 /0.0 T1:19.1 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
    < 11:46:33: N26 M105
    > 11:46:33: ok T:20.9 /0.0 B:18.9 /0.0 T0:20.9 /0.0 T1:19.1 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
    < 11:46:34: N27 M105
    > 11:46:34: ok T:20.9 /0.0 B:18.8 /0.0 T0:20.9 /0.0 T1:19.1 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
    < 11:46:35: N28 M105
    > 11:46:35: ok T:20.9 /0.0 B:18.9 /0.0 T0:20.9 /0.0 T1:19.1 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
    < 11:46:36: N29 M105
    > 11:46:36: ok T:20.9 /0.0 B:18.9 /0.0 T0:20.9 /0.0 T1:19.1 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
    < 11:46:37: N30 M105
    > 11:46:37: ok T:20.9 /0.0 B:18.9 /0.0 T0:20.9 /0.0 T1:19.1 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
    < 11:46:38: N31 M105
    > 11:46:38: ok T:20.9 /0.0 B:18.9 /0.0 T0:20.9 /0.0 T1:19.1 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
    < 11:46:39: N32 M105
    > 11:46:39: ok T:20.9 /0.0 B:18.8 /0.0 T0:20.9 /0.0 T1:19.1 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
    < 11:46:40: N33 M105
    > 11:46:40: ok T:20.9 /0.0 B:19.0 /0.0 T0:20.9 /0.0 T1:19.1 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
    < 11:46:41: N34 M105
    > 11:46:41: ok T:20.9 /0.0 B:18.9 /0.0 T0:20.9 /0.0 T1:19.1 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
    < 11:46:42: N35 M105
    > 11:46:42: ok T:20.9 /0.0 B:19.1 /0.0 T0:20.9 /0.0 T1:19.1 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
    < 11:46:43: N36 M105
    > 11:46:43: ok T:20.9 /0.0 B:18.8 /0.0 T0:20.9 /0.0 T1:19.1 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
    < 11:46:44: N37 M105
    > 11:46:44: ok T:20.9 /0.0 B:18.9 /0.0 T0:20.9 /0.0 T1:19.1 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
    < 11:46:45: N38 M105
    > 11:46:45: ok T:20.9 /0.0 B:18.8 /0.0 T0:20.9 /0.0 T1:19.1 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
    < 11:46:46: N39 M105
    > 11:46:46: ok T:20.9 /0.0 B:18.8 /0.0 T0:20.9 /0.0 T1:19.1 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
    < 11:46:47: N40 M105
    > 11:46:47: ok T:20.9 /0.0 B:18.9 /0.0 T0:20.9 /0.0 T1:19.1 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
    < 11:46:48: N41 M105
    > 11:46:48: ok T:20.9 /0.0 B:18.8 /0.0 T0:20.9 /0.0 T1:19.1 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
    < 11:46:49: N42 M105
    > 11:46:49: ok T:20.9 /0.0 B:18.8 /0.0 T0:20.9 /0.0 T1:19.1 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
    < 11:46:50: N43 M105
    > 11:46:50: ok T:20.9 /0.0 B:19.0 /0.0 T0:20.9 /0.0 T1:19.1 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
    < 11:46:51: N44 M105
    > 11:46:51: ok T:20.9 /0.0 B:18.9 /0.0 T0:20.9 /0.0 T1:19.2 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
    < 11:46:52: N45 M105
    > 11:46:52: ok T:20.9 /0.0 B:18.8 /0.0 T0:20.9 /0.0 T1:19.1 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
    < 11:46:53: N46 M105
    > 11:46:53: ok T:20.9 /0.0 B:18.7 /0.0 T0:20.9 /0.0 T1:19.1 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
    < 11:46:54: N47 M105
    > 11:46:54: ok T:20.9 /0.0 B:18.9 /0.0 T0:20.9 /0.0 T1:19.1 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
    < 11:46:55: N48 M105
    > 11:46:55: ok T:20.9 /0.0 B:18.8 /0.0 T0:20.9 /0.0 T1:19.1 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
    < 11:46:56: N49 M105
    > 11:46:56: ok T:20.9 /0.0 B:19.0 /0.0 T0:20.9 /0.0 T1:19.1 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
    < 11:46:57: N50 M105
    > 11:46:57: ok T:20.9 /0.0 B:19.0 /0.0 T0:20.9 /0.0 T1:19.2 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
    < 11:46:58: N51 M105
    > 11:46:58: ok T:20.9 /0.0 B:18.9 /0.0 T0:20.9 /0.0 T1:19.1 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
    < 11:46:59: N52 M105
    > 11:46:59: ok T:20.9 /0.0 B:18.8 /0.0 T0:20.9 /0.0 T1:19.1 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
    < 11:47:00: N53 M105
    > 11:47:00: ok T:20.9 /0.0 B:18.9 /0.0 T0:20.9 /0.0 T1:19.2 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
    < 11:47:01: N54 M105
    > 11:47:01: ok T:20.9 /0.0 B:18.9 /0.0 T0:20.9 /0.0 T1:19.2 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
    < 11:47:02: N55 M105
    > 11:47:02: ok T:20.9 /0.0 B:18.9 /0.0 T0:20.9 /0.0 T1:19.1 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
    < 11:47:03: N56 M105
    > 11:47:03: ok T:20.9 /0.0 B:18.8 /0.0 T0:20.9 /0.0 T1:19.1 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
    < 11:47:04: N57 M105
    > 11:47:04: ok T:20.9 /0.0 B:19.0 /0.0 T0:20.9 /0.0 T1:19.1 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
    < 11:47:05: N58 M105
    > 11:47:05: ok T:20.9 /0.0 B:19.0 /0.0 T0:20.9 /0.0 T1:19.1 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
    < 11:47:06: N59 M105
    > 11:47:06: ok T:20.9 /0.0 B:18.8 /0.0 T0:20.9 /0.0 T1:19.2 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
    < 11:47:07: N60 M105
    > 11:47:07: ok T:20.9 /0.0 B:18.8 /0.0 T0:20.9 /0.0 T1:19.1 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
    < 11:47:08: N61 M105
    > 11:47:08: ok T:20.9 /0.0 B:18.9 /0.0 T0:20.9 /0.0 T1:19.1 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
    < 11:47:09: N62 M105
    > 11:47:09: ok T:20.9 /0.0 B:18.9 /0.0 T0:20.9 /0.0 T1:19.2 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
    < 11:47:10: N63 M105
    > 11:47:10: ok T:20.9 /0.0 B:18.9 /0.0 T0:20.9 /0.0 T1:19.1 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
    < 11:47:11: N64 M105
    > 11:47:11: ok T:21.0 /0.0 B:18.9 /0.0 T0:21.0 /0.0 T1:19.1 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
    < 11:47:12: N65 M105
    > 11:47:12: ok T:20.9 /0.0 B:18.8 /0.0 T0:20.9 /0.0 T1:19.2 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
    < 11:47:13: N66 M105
    > 11:47:13: ok T:20.9 /0.0 B:18.9 /0.0 T0:20.9 /0.0 T1:19.2 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
    < 11:47:14: N67 M105
    > 11:47:15: ok T:21.0 /0.0 B:18.8 /0.0 T0:21.0 /0.0 T1:19.2 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
    < 11:47:16: N68 M105
    > 11:47:16: ok T:20.9 /0.0 B:19.0 /0.0 T0:20.9 /0.0 T1:19.2 /0.0 @:0 B@:0
    < 11:47:17: N69 M105
    > 11:47:17: ok T:20.9 /0.0 B:18.9 /0.0 T0:20.9 /0.0 T1:19.3 /0.0 @:0 B@:0

  • Ok, the search has an end. The problem was the comment with more then 199 chars in a line. The used getline was limited to 200 to prevent overflow. That function seems to have a bad side effect if the limit is reached. It repeated the last line every time, so print came. I have replaced it for next release with a better version that reads lines of any length.

    Thanks for keeping with me during the long search.

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