gcodes not processing till reboot
I'm not sure what happend. But the last two days any time I upload a gcode the print, view, or info icons don't show. It hangs on processing till I reboot. On reboot, the file process just fine and I can print with no issues. This happens regardless of the slicer used.
If I can provide any other logs or tests, please let me know. Thank you!
server log file @ http://pastebin.com/yFxLA6gQ
Re webcam. I still capture the timelapses as the netcam servers mjpg URL is used in repetier server. That way I can still use the webcam features within repetier servers UI. But I can disable this anyhow just to make sure.
The problem happens Everytime I upload a gcode. It'll say uploaded and look like it's processing. The renders your seeing in the screenshot are from older gcodes. Or a gcode file that was rendered after a reboot/restart.
At the moment the only way I can print a gcode is the following:
1. Upload gcode
2. Restart repetier server via SSH. Or reboot via the UI
3. After a reboot, the print, view, info icons appear.
4. Click the print icon.
Can I put the log level in debug mode so we get more details?
I'm happy to help debug this and will do the above you suggested when I get back home.
Note I just called this badfile. But there's nothing wrong with this file. It loads up fine after a restart. Or with zero issues on my other repetier server.
This issue occurs when using the upload button. I have not tried the direct print option in some time. But can try that later.
I'm zipping the folder now. But it will take a while.
pi@RepetierServer:/mnt/gcodeshare $ ps aux | grep avconv
repetie+ 6140 98.9 13.5 221636 128480 ? Rl 16:37 307:26 /usr/bin/avconv -loglevel error -r 10 -i /var/lib/Repetier-Server/printer/Wanhao_Di4/timelapse/20161229T070602_PLA_PauseMount v2 (alternate) - mount door/image_%08d.jpg -i /usr/local/Repetier-Server/www/img/watermark.png -c:v libx264 -filter_complex [0:v][1:v] overlay=x=10:y=10 -threads 1 -r 10 -pix_fmt yuv420p -profile:v baseline -movflags faststart -b:v 1000k -y /var/lib/Repetier-Server/printer/Wanhao_Di4/timelapse/20161229T070602_PLA_PauseMount v2 (alternate) - mount door/video.mp4
pi 20935 0.0 0.1 4276 1844 pts/0 S+
If I had to guess it seems like the process is somehow stuck on the 3d gcode preview generation. Is there a way to turn that off? Just to test this theory.
I'll try disabling the license and report back.