Error communicating with license server: 400 [0.80.1] raspberry


I just upgraded to 0.80.1 on my raspberry. Wifi connection is established, ping to router etc. works but I always get the message: 
"Error communicating with license server: 400" when I put in the license code.

Do you have problems with the license server? Do you have safety mechanisms to ensure the connectivity or are you dependent on messages like this one?

Thanks in advance,


  • Are you using our image?

    I know at least one box that has this error with fixed ip address also it is reachable in local network.

    Our license server is up.
  • edited December 2016
    Same problem here. Purchased the license key but unable to connect to license server.
    However, the PI is reachable from LAN as well as from outside with our external IP.

    We use RPI B+, connected to the LAN via eth0.

  • Try login using ssh (with putty e.g.) and try

    and see if it succeeds. Access from outside does not guarantee the pi knows a route to the outside whcih is required for activation.
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