Temperature and buffer problem
Hi, so I've been printing for a year with my davinci 1.0A printer now, and switched to repetier 0.92 firmware a month ago.
Everything works great with repetier Host, but as I'm using a laptop, I wanted to build a raspberry based repetier server to drive the printer.
I installed the armel version, everything updated, and used the same baudrate as on Repetier Host, but first when the bed and printhead heat up, the temepratures shown in repetier drop to zero every few seconds for a very brief moment, like if the signal was briefly lost for some reason, and when the print start, I can see the buffer drop to zero every few layers.
I use the same settings as in repetier Host (127 buffer; 30s timeout; 32 movement buffer; 230400 baudrate)
Also I tried to reinstall the printers firmware and the raspberry os, but no luck.
However on octoprint, everything works well, but since I use repetier on my computer it would be much better to use repetier server.
So my printer is a XYZprinting Davinci 1.0A, which has a Arduino Due microcontroller if I understood correctly.
The baudrate I use is 230400 which works fine on repetier Host and octoprint,but I also yried different ones with no luck and it's the baudrate that everybody use on this printer apparently.