Bed leveling

Ok after moving and adjusting and moving and adjusting over and over as I get this thing tuned in.

It would be nice to have a Bed Leveling window that has options to aid with adjusting endstops, z height and rod length( for deltas), etc 

I would mostly like:
Set Endstop to here button - Set the bed close in EEPROM, I then move the head up or down to the correct gap. Then hit a button that says adjust endstops to here and it sets the endstop offset for you. (for deltas there would be three x,y,z)

Horizontal Rod Radius adjustment - It would be nice to be able to adjust the rod length realtime so I can get the bowing or cupping the correct height,  Get the center right first, move the head to one of the corners and use a slider to then move the head up or down.
Corr. Diagonal Adjustment - You put in measured and expected values and it set Corr. diagonal A,B,C

X and Y offset Adjustment - Dropdown to select extruder, buttons to move the head in the X and y directions, you move the head to the proper location and hit a button that says set extruder offset. 


  • edited August 2016
    Set Endstop to here button - Set the bed close in EEPROM, I then move the head up or down to the correct gap. Then hit a button that says adjust endstops to here and it sets the endstop offset for you. (for deltas there would be three x,y,z)

    Strike that one. I just learned I was calibrating my endstops incorrectly all this time. I found ther video on using G28 (home) ,G131,diable the motors, center the head using a stick placed under the carriages then using G132 S1.  

    Perhaps a button to do the first and disable then a button to set the endstops.
  • We have no wizard for this, sorry. But you can change all parameter using eeprom editor.
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