manual moves
what do you think about assign g-code macros to buttons without writing ui_action?
as i know we can use the executeFString(...); and it´s possible to assign that to a if(READ(pin)...
the only thing i found is that if it´s not a single instruction it should be executed in slowAction because of watchdog.
backgound for idea is for example 1 button for move to +x , some more buttons to scale step (*0,1 * 10* 100 for example)
checking multiple buttons with the result to a mask would enable us to use key combinations for commands.
generating uiaction for each combination is a lot of typing and i think we have a lot of users knowing about gcodes
but not about changing firmware.
would easy and universal to be used for macros and uiactions like
#define UI_KEYS_MACRO_BUTTON_LOW......// in ui.h
#define macro1 "G92 X0"// anywhere, i think for a seperate file"macros.h"
#define Bit_0 1 // defining bit values
#define Bit_1 2
#define Bit_2 4
void......(uint16_t &action) // check keys and write keymask
uint8_t MacroKeymask=0;
// UI_KEYS_MACRO_BUTTON_LOW(68,Bit_6,MacroKeymask);
// UI_KEYS_MACRO_BUTTON_LOW(69,Bit_7,MacroKeymask);
case Bit_0 : GCode::executeFString(PSTR("G28")); // use normal format
case Bit_1 :
GCode::executeFString(PSTR(macro1)); //use macro
case Bit_2 : action=UI_ACTION...; // return ui_action
case (Bit_2+Bit_3) : GCode::executeFString(PSTR("G91\n g1 X2 Y2 f400\n G90")); // example for multi key use
what do you think about that?
what do you think about assign g-code macros to buttons without writing ui_action?
as i know we can use the executeFString(...); and it´s possible to assign that to a if(READ(pin)...
the only thing i found is that if it´s not a single instruction it should be executed in slowAction because of watchdog.
backgound for idea is for example 1 button for move to +x , some more buttons to scale step (*0,1 * 10* 100 for example)
checking multiple buttons with the result to a mask would enable us to use key combinations for commands.
generating uiaction for each combination is a lot of typing and i think we have a lot of users knowing about gcodes
but not about changing firmware.
would easy and universal to be used for macros and uiactions like
#define UI_KEYS_MACRO_BUTTON_LOW......// in ui.h
#define macro1 "G92 X0"// anywhere, i think for a seperate file"macros.h"
#define Bit_0 1 // defining bit values
#define Bit_1 2
#define Bit_2 4
void......(uint16_t &action) // check keys and write keymask
uint8_t MacroKeymask=0;
// UI_KEYS_MACRO_BUTTON_LOW(68,Bit_6,MacroKeymask);
// UI_KEYS_MACRO_BUTTON_LOW(69,Bit_7,MacroKeymask);
case Bit_0 : GCode::executeFString(PSTR("G28")); // use normal format
case Bit_1 :
GCode::executeFString(PSTR(macro1)); //use macro
case Bit_2 : action=UI_ACTION...; // return ui_action
case (Bit_2+Bit_3) : GCode::executeFString(PSTR("G91\n g1 X2 Y2 f400\n G90")); // example for multi key use
what do you think about that?
i know we already have possibility in ui but i think macros should be independent from ui.
so it depends on user if using ui_action or g-code macro. both would be possible even mixed.
i think about "feature_macro" and "feature_i2c_macro".,
i can also make a little schematic/ pcb layout for the i2c stuff just to implement a 23017 and place that on github.
i´d prefer 23017 because of speed up to 400kHz.
anyway , have a simple solution running for myself to avoid writing lots of ui-actions during my
tests but momentarily it´s just ugly breadboard style combined with some weird thought´s about
possible features.