Timelapse Video


I installed Repetier Server (still in freeware as I want to make sure I can use it for our need.  We're planning to have it manager 2 - 3 printers with webcams.  Right now I'm trialing with one.   The goal is to run it off a R-Pi B+ and so far it's working great.  We even managed to get a webcam working (external logitech).  We also wanted to do timelapse for whomever's print is running.  I went through the painstaking problem of building and installing FFMPEG of the pi (took about 6 hours) only to get a new error message.

" You have no static image source defined. Therefore no timelapse recording will occur. "

If I click on setup my values for stream and static are as follow respectively...

Both URL have been tested and work without an issue yet repetier seems to only accept the streaming one.  Any idea on how to get past that?


  • These urls are webpages not the image it self. Right click on the image you see thare and select open image in new tab. Then you see the image/video url you need.

    A PI b+ with 3 webcams sound a bit much. Each webcam server takes some good percent of cpu power and usb bandwidth. So for 3 printers I'd maybe go for a Pi 2, which has 4 cpus and works a bit faster. But since you already have a Pi B+ just try how far it goes. And do not forget to use the local cloud to speed up things like timelapse video creation. If a beefe PC is online and can be used to do it, let it do it. It will be so much faster.
  • Thanks a lot for the extremely fast answer.  If you guys answer this fast someone still looking via the free version it bodes well for your support altogether.  Definitely will buy full version when out of Beta.  Thanks again.
  • These urls are webpages not the image it self. Right click on the image you see thare and select open image in new tab. Then you see the image/video url you need.

    A PI b+ with 3 webcams sound a bit much. Each webcam server takes some good percent of cpu power and usb bandwidth. So for 3 printers I'd maybe go for a Pi 2, which has 4 cpus and works a bit faster. But since you already have a Pi B+ just try how far it goes. And do not forget to use the local cloud to speed up things like timelapse video creation. If a beefe PC is online and can be used to do it, let it do it. It will be so much faster.
    Actually after further inspection these urls are not webpages....
    Here is the actual HTML, as you can see from the src element of the img tag the url is the actual picture.

    <img style="-webkit-user-select: none; cursor: zoom-in;" src="" width="627" height="470">
  • Ok, if it is part of src then it is correct. What about your webcam printer configuration where you set the urls. At the top you say what modes you support. Set it to jpg+mjpg. I guess you have selected only mjpg then.
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