Connection with Repetier Server


I've been using Repetier Host with my printrbot for a while but have recently decided to switch over and use Repetier Server on a Raspberry Pi 2 instead. I've installed Server successfully and have added the printer. It appears to be connected because the chain links next to the printer name are green however the printer doesn't respond to anything. Ie. It doesn't respond to movements, won't hear up but also doesn't appear to be sending any info (temps etc) back to Server. The auto baud rate was 250000 so I've tried that and also tried 115200 as this is what worked in Host. I installed Server on my pc too and have had the same problems. Does anyone have any advice or ideas to try?



  • Most importnant thing is selecting right firmware. Repetier frimware with marlin will switch to green but marlin would not understand the binary protocol and nothing will happen. So I guess you have just selected wrong firmware.
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