SSH Access Denied

Somehow I am unable to connect anymore via SSH to the Raspberry pi's that run Repetier Server. This is the case on 6 printers and I am 100% sure the login credentials are correct. Did something change recently regarding this?


  • ssh credentials are only managed by linux and we do not set/change them. So only when you gave pi user a new password it would been changed.

    Is ssh still running? In server -> global settings->terminal you can login as well without requiring ssh but with same password. You can check there if sshd is running
    ps aux | grep sshd

  • Repetier said:
    ssh credentials are only managed by linux and we do not set/change them. So only when you gave pi user a new password it would been changed.

    Is ssh still running? In server -> global settings->terminal you can login as well without requiring ssh but with same password. You can check there if sshd is running
    ps aux | grep sshd

    Thank you, I will have a look into it!
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