Heating of a non existing bed and seems like there are 2 different extruders
I have been dealing with this issue for about 10 days and cannot find a solution. Any help will be appriciated, thanks in advance.
The problem: I cannot print any object because Repetier is trying to heat a heated bed which doesn't exist. Everything is OK until I hit the RUN button. Until hitting RUN button, all preferences are as they supposed to be. You can see on the screenshots. I have take screenshots at every stage. Did you notice "Extruder 1: XXX Extruder 27354192354: " thing at the bottom of the window?
It cannot heat so the print doesn't start. I have set the heatedbed to 0 on the firmware and default heatedbed temperature to 0. All settings seem OK except that "Extruder 1, Extruder XXX" message at the bottom of the window until I hit the RUN button.
Here are the screenshots.
Any recommendations? Thank you.
Details: Repetier-Host Mac 0.56. OS X El Capitan (10.11.2). I have a small Ultimaker like custom 3D printer. It is based on Tantillus but it has mechanical end switches on front-left for X-min, at front-right for Y-min and at the bottom for Z-min. Firmware Marlin 1.0.2. Same setups is set in the Firmware as well.
Some firmware settings;
#define EXTRUDERS 1
#define TEMP_SENSOR_0 5
#define TEMP_SENSOR_1 0
#define TEMP_SENSOR_2 0
#define HEATER_0_MAXTEMP 275
#define HEATER_1_MAXTEMP 0
#define HEATER_2_MAXTEMP 0
#define BED_MAXTEMP 0
What do you recommend me to check?