Collido DIY 3D printer

Hello, I currently have an old Collido DIY 3D printer that runs with " Print-Rite ColiDo Repetier-Host v1.5.5." I was thinking about upgrading Repetier-Host to the current version 1.5.6 but how would I transfer my current printer settings to the new program. Hope someone can help. Best Regards Dennis


  • That is a custom version with some mods compared to our version. If 1.5.6 is also from them all settings will stay the same after update.
  • I could not find any reference to Print-Rite 3D Printers any where on their website. Is there no way I can extract the data from the current program and load it into the new?

  • I managed to find setupCollido-Repetierhost_2_1_3.exe on the collido website so will try that.

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